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Phase 1 clinical trials for Pfizer's pill-based antiviral drug developed by 210 researchers since the beginning of the pandemic have recently begun, the company said in a post on Twitter.
The results so far look encouraging and by the summer the company will be able to make announcements regarding its safety so that it will be available next winter. It can be administered at the first symptoms to stop the spread of the coronavirus in the body.
Phase 1 of the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial is performed on healthy adults to evaluate the safety of the drug and how well it is tolerated. These inhibitors work by binding to a virus enzyme (protease) and thus preventing it from reproducing in human cells. Similar drugs have been used against HIV and hepatitis C.
Laboratory tests of the substance PF-07321332 so far have shown that it has strong activity against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, as well as against other coronaviruses. It is the first orally administered protease inhibitor to be tested in a clinical study against coronavirus. Pfizer has also already begun testing (phase 1b) another protease inhibitor (PF-07304814) that is given intravenously in hospitalized patients with Covid-19.

Well worth the reading!

I wouldn't believe a Hail Mary from this liar... those damning emails leave no doubt of Fauci's conflict of interest with the Wuhan laboratory. So many have died! Can't believe anything #Fauci says!

Making the decision to trust your parent to a nursing home is certainly not an easy process. It goes through many stages of intense emotions. Basically relief and parallel guilt. If you have been in a position to make such a decision, you should have no guilt. It is not always possible to take care of the elderly in the best possible way. There are some cases in which a nursing home is one way and I will share few reasons here.
1. The elderly person has a serious health issue
Unless you are a doctor, you probably do not know the best way to care for a person with a serious injury that needs gradual recovery or with problems such as Alzheimer's that need special treatment. A nursing home can provide the constant supervision and care that is absolutely necessary for the elderly who are unable to complete even the most basic tasks (eg dressing or walking on their own). At the same time, offer them the medical care they need.
2. Staying too far away to help
If the elderly person does not live with you and your homes aren't within walking distance, it makes sense that you do not have time to visit them often. So, apart from the fact that he will often feel alone, there is also the problem that if an urgent need arises, you will not be able to help immediately. If it does fall, for example, it could be extremely dangerous and it is something you can not predict.
3. There is no quiet environment in the house
It is obvious that not all families are doing well. If the environment at home is not calm and there are often tensions, it is logical that the care of the elderly will not only not be a priority, but will not always be done in the right way. A major difficulty in such a case is that you will not be able to communicate with your relatives in order to share the burden of care and the work that needs to be done.
4. Finances are shrinking
The care of a person is accompanied by some expenses. Especially if you have to invest in specific equipment or if you have to buy medicines. The good thing about nursing homes is that there you pay for a complete package for the elderly person staying in them which includes everything they will need.
In conclusion, no matter how much you want it, you will not always be able to provide your loved ones with everything they need to be comfortable. This, however, should not upset you. On the contrary, it makes perfect sense to need some help.

Now, I know that school's out for summer, but let's see what comes from September in US schools.
New recommendations for Primary and Secondary Schools are in line with those for adult Americans. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had already announced in May that vaccinated Americans could wear the mask, but the school recommendation had not been changed.
"Indoors, the use of a mask is recommended for people who have not been fully vaccinated. This includes students, teachers and school staff, "the statement said.
Note, however, that educational institutions are free to choose whether or not to follow the recommendations.
"Depending on the needs of the residents, school officials can decide" whether everyone, without exception, will wear a mask, the CDC said, for example if there is a local outbreak or if they find it difficult to follow instructions that are not uniform for everyone.
The health services, however, emphasize that the reopening of schools for lifelong learning remains a "priority" of the authorities. That is why they insist that it is necessary to vaccinate as much of the population as possible so that "schools can repeat their activities safely".
My question is. Vaccination should become mandatory for teachers/personel and students?

If someone is infected with COVID-19, how likely is that person to die?

????Those who say they are afraid of possible side effects of the vaccine forget that even when they swallow a simple pill for the headache, they take a small risk for the benefit. Nor do they think, of course, that if they get seriously ill with coronary heart disease, they will take a cocktail of drugs to get it done. There you can see possible side effects, my friends.
Covid-19 vaccine skepticism has two sides. There are people who think about it, discuss it, and look for it, but without becoming enemies of the vaccine and without rejecting it. This category of people is large, and the majority of them eventually reach the vaccination centers. It may take a little longer, perhaps, but it does matter that it does.
There is another category, where skepticism ends it and makes the mind stick to the denial and can not come off even with bullets. And that is where the intention "against-" comes forward. To the question "Why aren't you vaccinated?" every anti-vaccine will answer you in the same way: "why am I afraid". Why is he afraid? Because this vaccine came out in less time than the others and he does not want to risk it, a common argument he will use.
You can, of course, think otherwise. That science has advanced so far and for the first time in history managed to create a vaccine in a shorter time, to help humanity overcome a reef. We are talking about an achievement, a scientific leap, which will act as a milestone and change the data. We should be grateful for what science has achieved, not regret and twist it, half-looking at its success, or worse, canceling it. "Yes, but the side effects? "Who guarantees that I will get the vaccine and I will not suffer anything?", The next argument of the negatives.
So let's talk about side effects. Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, bronchospasm, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort. Are they telling you something? Read the leaflet that contains each paracetamol preparation, and you will see these and many more contraindications listed. A walk to the home pharmacy, and a little study of the leaflets of each preparation, reveals the magical world of medicinal chemistry.
There is no cure without side effects. To enjoy the benefits of pharmacy, you must also accept the risk. Some chances of its side effects occur, chances that scientists are trying to make as little as possible, with their ongoing research. Surprisingly, however, those who say they are afraid of possible side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine and use it as an argument for not doing so, forget that even when they swallow a simple headache pill, they take a small risk for the benefit. Nor do they think, of course, that if they get seriously ill with coronary heart disease, they will take a cocktail of drugs to get it done. There you can see possible side effects, my friends. But by the time they get to this point, all those who now tremble at the vaccine and have been blacklisted, I suspect, will make fun of it and trust medicine and science to do them good.
There, the medicinal chemistry and its possible contraindications will not sit in their throats, nor will they create distortion and denial. There, they will not talk about "bullets", which they have the right not to put in their body. There, in the bed of pain, the skepticism towards science will be dissolved by the desire for healing, for life. The point, however, is not to get to this point, to act proactively. Science gives you that opportunity, with the vaccine. You have to be blind to deny it.

Dr. Nicole Apelian

I noticed that a lot of what is practiced in western medicine deals with treating symptoms, not actually treating the cause. So in other worse, something is not working properly in the body and is causing symptoms, those symptoms then get suppressed with treatment or medication. The issue is still there. Why is this the standard of modern medicine? Shouldn't we be working with our body's natural ability to heal itself by treating/correcting the cause rather than suppressing the symptom?

I think most people these days have a minor or major hormonal imbalance. This is likely down to us living sedentary lifestyles and eating junk foods! I know nutrition can help balance hormones and make you feel amazing. I am looking for foods that are specifically for hormone balancing in women. Does anyone know of some good ones to include in your daily diet?

The battle for VACCINE ID PASSPORTS is in the works. Some may call it a "conspiracy" - but isn't anything atrocious usually called a "conspiracy" before it is proven to be true? The history books prove that statement true.

Yet the irony is Dr. Fauci - himself - stating many, many times that a mask doesn't protect anyone and could even make things worse. They forget the Internet captures everything they say and he's on video plenty of times towards that regard.

The liberal media won’t inform you of this, rest assured.

This is not America where this can happen to anyone.
I’m an RN of 10 years and I am being fired December 1. I’m not political. I don’t watch the news. I do my job and I go home to my family. I love caring for others from every single walk of life and I take that responsibility seriously. Last year I worked the floor no one else wanted to. I have my own medical issues, but I willingly worked that floor. I sat face to face with your loved ones without fear because I trust science when it says the survival rate is greater than 99%. However, I don’t judge anyone who is scared. If I hadn’t seen all the things I’ve seen with my own eyes, I would probably be scared too. Most of my patients walked out the front door???? Yes it is real, some became extremely ill and have long lasting effects, some succumbed, but most people walked out the door!!! This year I’m working in the ER and will be fired December 1st for refusing a ???? How is it possible that I worked the entire past year, most shifts on said floor, many times without the proper equipment, and without the ???? , but today I am expendable??? I stand for FREEDOM! You have the right to disagree with me and I will still support your right to your opinions. I will NEVER agree to force anything on anyone. I support your right to choose the ???? for you and your family. My choice, after what I have personally witnessed, is to abstain until long term studies have been conducted. I could share story after story about adverse effects I have personally witnessed, but I am not because it is your choice and you’ve most likely already chosen. If you haven’t, I encourage you to research and dig deep. Talk to people who are on the front lines. I am here today asking you stand for freedom for us all. If this is forced, what is next? Then after that? What freedoms will our children have to fight for? Don’t let this fall on them. This is simply about freedom! Much love ????

What is the reason for Democrats to ban vaccine mandates for illegals but require it for American citizens. I don't get this at all. Can someone please explain the logic?????☹️????

It offers an unbeatable aroma in our food and in our kitchen, but at the same time it shields our body from certain forms of cancer and contributes to the aging of the skin. Find out why you should include basil in your diet.
The truth is that you either love or hate the intense taste of basil. But in addition to the taste, the fact is that basil has multiple benefits for our health, as you will discover below, it contains valuable vitamins, minerals and many antioxidants.
Basil leaves contain calcium and vitamin K. The variety of sweet basil, in fact, has a high concentration of the active substance eugenol (the sweet - broadleaf basil, which has the highest content of essential oil is grown everywhere).
Before making the decision to include it in your weekly diet, it would be helpful to know its medicinal properties. Basil essential oil has medicinal benefits, while it has traditionally been used as a treatment for snake bites, the common cold and inflammation in the nasal cavities.
➕ Reduces oxidative stress
Basil contains valuable antioxidants that our body can absorb through food, anthocyanins and beta carotene.
Antioxidants are so important for our body as they eliminate free radicals from the body, molecules that develop as a result of our metabolism but also poor dietary choices or due to smoking. Antioxidants on the other hand are those substances that help remove these molecules from the body, preventing their accumulation which can lead to oxidative stress, resulting in cell damage and possibly the onset of diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. diabetes.
➕ Helps the liver
According to research from 2015 in a study in mice, the antioxidants of a mixture of holy basil powder (the holy basil - Ocimum tenuiflorum - the Hindu name which is Tulsi and means "the incomparable"), which was given to them after use of a toxin to cause liver damage, had beneficial properties on their liver health.
➕ It acts against cancer
It seems that the holy basil is very beneficial for our health, as another review from 2013 investigated whether it could prevent the occurrence of cancer. The researchers concluded that the phytochemicals of basil can help prevent certain types of cancer of the skin, liver, mouth and lungs. This is because it increases antioxidant activity by altering genetic expression and causing cell death and slowing down cell division.
However, the studies were preclinical or performed on animals, so a confirmation of the effect of basil needs further investigation.
➕ It has anti-aging properties
A 2011 study revealed that sweet basil can partially protect our skin from the aging process. Scientists have applied basil extract to laboratory skin models. According to the results, basil extract in creams can improve skin hydration and reduce wrinkles.
However, consumption of basil was not associated with potential anti-aging skin benefits.

Usually I don't write about health but I'll have to share something that today was discussed in my work environment and raised interest.
If the US FDA approves the childhood vaccine in the coming days, the final green light of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will follow next week.
Pfizer's Covid-19 baby vaccine for ages 5-11 has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Independent Advisory Board.
Please not that the Agency is not obliged to follow the opinion, but usually adopts the recommendation of its advisers, who voted in favor of the vaccine with 17 votes in favor and one abstention.
Now this means that once the FDA approves the childhood vaccine in the coming days, the final green light from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will follow next week. According to my sources and data from the American Academy of Pediatrics, more than 500 children have died in the United States due to Covid-19, making coronavirus the eighth leading cause of death in this age group in the last year!
However, the World Health Organization has asked rich countries to postpone child vaccinations and donate the available vaccines to the unvaccinated developing world. Few countries, including China, Cuba and the United Arab Emirates, have approved vaccines for children under the age of ten. Is this even...ethical?!
Once given the green light, the Pfizer vaccine will likely be the only one available for children under 11 for a long time, as Moderna has not yet applied. The candidate pediatric vaccines of both companies contain less mRNA due to the lower body weight of the children. Could you please tell me why this? mRna supposedly is completely harmless for our health and that's what "scientists" kept saying as in the media.
I'm very skeptical about this move and I will remain as that.

1. I do not have an underlying disease, why should I get the vaccine?
I ask the other way around, do you have a special check-up especially if you are young to know that you do not have an underlying disease? Many young people may have something that has not been diagnosed. Proof of this is that quite often we hear in the news about a young athlete who suffered a heart attack because he had an issue with his heart that had escaped him.
2. The chance of dying is less than 1%, why should I get the vaccine?
If you see everything in black and white, life or death then yes logically you will not die. Nevertheless, let me introduce you to gray. The fact that you will live does not exclude the fact that you may be in bed for weeks, that your sense of smell may not work well for months or that for a long time you will not have the stamina to go uphill.
3. I want to get the vaccine but I'm afraid.
Each vaccine has already been given to many, many millions of people around the world. Apart from the mild side effects for 1-2 days after each dose, anything else is rare. Someone will tell me, if he has a 0.01% thrombosis, why risk it? Because every day you risk getting Covid and statistics say that even healthy young people without subjects are more likely to die from Covid than from thrombosis.
4. I accept to take the risk and let me die from Covid, what do you care?
Unfortunately I care for 2 reasons. Initially if everyone takes the risk and we go YOLO, the herd immunity will never be achieved and all the effort we have made so long to limit the spread until the vaccine comes out will be wasted. Second, if the corona continues to spread at its current rate, every 2 months we will hear about a new mutation, and each new mutation carries a risk that it will not be covered by the vaccine. So we risk putting the vaccinated ones at risk as well.
5. It is given to me by the Government, the Channels, the Pharmaceutical Industries and everything else and I will not do it out of reaction.
Initially, decisions made in the heat of the moment, either out of reaction or out of anger, are seldom right in the long run. We also live in a society. The vaccine is our debt to our fellow man. With the logic that I will not suffer anything because I do, another will say I have no children why pay public schools with my taxes. Another will say if I am privately insured, why should I maintain public hospitals with my taxes? From the beginning of history people have been organized in societies and live by laws. It's 2021, digest it.

I can confirm as I have relatives in Austria and I am currently visiting the country that the rally took place under draconian security measures
I saw thousands of protesters how have gathered in central Vienna since noon to protest the government's shutdown and mandatory vaccination as part of measures to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. The amazing moment I have captured in video. By the way, can I upload a short video?
The protest was organized by the far-right FPÖ party, but its leader, Herbert Kikl, was absent after testing positive for the coronavirus.
Crowds gathered in the heart of the capital, a short distance from the chancellery, chanting slogans against the "coronavirus dictatorship". "No to the division of society," read a placard I saw.
The rally was held under draconian security measures, as police feared neo-Nazis and hooligans might infiltrate. This is no surprise here.
Among those who called for "resistance" to the measures was Katarina Girser, who hails from Tyrol and made a six-hour trip to protest.
She is a 42-year-old teacher, who has been keeping her four children at home for many months. "The pressure on the school is huge," she said, referring to the PCR tests that are done every week in the classroom. "The government wants to divide us, we must remain united," she added. I couldn't help but agree with her.
Yesterday, Chancellor Alexander Salenberg announced the imposition of a new lockdown until December 13. From Monday, Austrians will not be able to leave their homes except for shopping, exercising, or going to the doctor. Schools will remain open but parents are urged not to transport their children.
Despite its initial reservations, the government will also pass a bill to make adult vaccination mandatory from February 1, 2022. Violators will be subject to sanctions.
Salenberg apologized Friday to those vaccinated for being forced to impose such radical restrictions. He also accused political forces of strongly opposing vaccination, arguing that it was an attack on the health system.
I remain in Austria hoping to return soon back to my home! More time to browse Blahface.

That's what is being said.
What we know is that this new variant is nothing compared to the super duper deadly new "Midterm Variant" that will come out in about 10 months from now. It will be so deadly that we'll all have to vote by mail again.????

An indicator is the best performance in tests of memory and thinking skills (or "cognitive"). Of the 141 participants who completed a series of cognitive tests, those with higher levels of small HDL particles in their cerebrospinal fluid had better scores. And this regardless of age, gender, education or whether they carried the APOE4 gene, which increases the risk of Alzheimer's. The link was even stronger between those who did not have cognitive impairment, the findings showed.
The other indicator is that people with higher levels of small HDL particles also had higher levels of a peptide called amyloid beta 42 in their cerebrospinal fluid. Although the peptide contributes to Alzheimer's disease when it folds and accumulates in neurons, a higher level of it circulating around the brain and spine has been linked to a lower risk of the disease, according to a report published online April 13 in Alzheimer's & Dementia, The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. The results suggest that small HDL particles may pave the way for treatments for early Alzheimer's long before mental retardation occurs.
"They may be involved in the clearance and excretion of the peptides that form the amyloid plaques we see in Alzheimer's disease, so we speculate that these small HDL particles may play a role in prevention," Yassine said in a statement. Before the onset of mental retardation, these oils - or small HDL particles - lubricate the system and keep it healthy, he explained. "You have time to intervene with exercise, medication or anything else to keep brain cells healthy," Yassine added. "We still need to understand the mechanisms that promote the production of these particles in order to make drugs that increase low HDL in the brain."

The United States has planned a global summit to tackle the coronavirus pandemic and mobilize all countries to better prepare for future health risks.
In particular, the summit, which will be held online, will be co-chaired by the United States, Germany, currently chairing the Group of Seven most industrialized countries (G7), Indonesia, chairing the G20, Senegal, chairing of the African Union, and Belize, head of Caricom (Caribbean).
"The summit will intensify our collective efforts to end the acute phase of the Covid-19 epidemic and to prepare for future health threats," the two countries said in a joint statement issued by Washington.
It will be the second global summit on the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed at least six million people worldwide and has shaken the global economy since it began to spread in December 2019.
US President Joe Biden had convened a similar summit on September 22, 2021, in which he was in favor of boosting vaccination rates around the world.
And today, although the death toll from Covid-19 has clearly dropped worldwide, the spread of the virus, particularly the Omicron variant, is preventing many countries from lifting the restrictions, starting in China where millions of people are still under restriction.
The US government and those of the countries involved in this summit also want to maintain a sense of urgency in the face of the epidemic. "Ahead of the May 12 summit, we call on world leaders, members of civil society, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to make new commitments and offer solutions to vaccinate the world's population, save lives now and to build better health security around the world, "the joint statement added.
"The emergence and spread of new variants, such as Omicron, has reinforced the need for a new strategy aimed at controlling Covid-19," he added.
And, although the Omicron variant is less dangerous, though more contagious, the countries hosting this summit consider it necessary to do everything possible to prevent new health disasters from engulfing the world.
"We know we need to prepare now to build, stabilize and fund the global capability we need, not only in the face of Covid-19 variants, but also in the face of other health crises," they warn.
Covid-19's disease is far from endemic and could even cause "major epidemics," World Health Organization (WHO) officials said on Thursday.
"We are still in the middle of this pandemic, we would all like this not to happen, but we are not in an endemic stage," said Maria van Kerchoff, a World Health Organization official in the fight against Covid.

Magnesium helps our athletic performance: When we exercise we need 10-20% more magnesium, as magnesium helps glucose enter the muscles to produce work. Athletes often get magnesium because it helps with performance, but we all need it.
Magnesium helps mood: If there is one metal that helps mood, it is magnesium. Low magnesium intake is associated with an increased risk of depression and there are studies that show that taking magnesium in tablets helps treat depression.
Magnesium helps fight diabetes: Magnesium plays an extremely important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates in our body and its deficiency increases the chance of developing diabetes.
There are also several studies that show that magnesium, mainly from food, helps in the treatment of diabetes.
Magnesium lowers blood pressure: Magnesium in blood vessels has an effect similar to that of antihypertensive drugs in the group of calcium channel blockers, such as norvasc. Its antihypertensive effect is quite important and immediate and the good thing is that it occurs only in people who have hypertension, while in people who do not have hypertension it does not cause hypotensive episodes. This is useful if you do not have high blood pressure and want to get magnesium for some of its other benefits.
Magnesium has anti-inflammatory action: Our chronic inflammation ages before our time and magnesium can help with that! Studies have been done with natural magnesium in food, but also with magnesium supplements and it has been shown that these specific markers of inflammation are significantly reduced.
Magnesium can help with migraines: Magnesium can help prevent and treat migraines. One study found that a single dose of 1 gram of magnesium helped in some cases to stop a migraine attack. If someone suffers from migraines they have nothing to lose to try if their migraines are reduced or stopped with the administration of one gram of magnesium. However, studies have shown that magnesium is given daily and has been found to reduce the risk of migraine attacks. Given its excellent safety, it's not a bad idea to try it.
Magnesium helps with insulin resistance: It is estimated that at least half of us have insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia or elevated insulin, a condition in which our blood insulin is elevated or rises sharply after a meal. As insulin is a hormone that signals the body to make fat, this condition is associated with difficulty in losing weight and accumulating fat in the abdomen, which is the worst for our health. In fact, increased insulin leads to the excretion of magnesium from the urine, worsening the condition and leading to a vicious cycle. The vicious circle can be broken when one consumes foods with too much magnesium, which is ideal, or at least magnesium supplements. Magnesium will help reverse hyperinsulinemia.
Magnesium helps treat premenstrual syndrome: There are even studies that show that magnesium helps treat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as fluid retention, mood disorders, abdominal cramps, etc.
Magnesium is very economical and safe: Magnesium is present in many foods, which we will mention soon, but even if you choose to try to take it as a supplement, it is good to know that it is safe and very economical. There are many forms of magnesium, some are better than others and you will notice the difference in cost, although I'm not sure the more expensive forms are worth the money. The standard dose is 300 to 600 mg per day in 2 or 3 doses.
Although magnesium is so important and beneficial to health, studies show that only 50% of people get enough. So it is good to eat foods that contain a lot of magnesium to get rid of all this

Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care: Where Do I Go?
- Urgent care facilities are equipped to provide last-minute care. But they can’t always handle life-threatening conditions because they don’t always have the resources for certain diagnoses or treatment. It helps to think of them as standard medical clinics with extended hours.
- Emergency rooms (ERs) can take care of any medical emergency, regardless of your insurance status or ability to pay for services. You should go to an ER if you have new or concerning symptoms, need more involved testing, or require immediate treatment.
- Urgent care centers offer less costly care compared with emergency rooms. But urgent care centers operate under different rules, and some may not accept Medicaid.
georgeclerk/iStock via Getty Images
It’s likely that you have several different options in your local area when you need last-minute or emergent medical care. These typically include urgent cares, freestanding emergency rooms, and large hospital emergency departments. It can be confusing to understand what each facility can handle and when it’s better to go to one place over another. And that’s the last thing you need when trying to deal with a bleeding cut, an upset stomach, or a new episode of chest pain. So let’s run through these options to help you make the best decision.
What’s the difference between the emergency room and urgent care?
Urgent cares can have many different names: after-hours clinics, walk-in clinics, minute clinics, and minor emergency centers. The most accurate way to think about them is as standard medical clinics or offices, rather than emergency care centers.
But unlike standard medical offices, they often have the added benefit of extended hours and walk-in appointments. Plus the staff may have more experience with emergent conditions than your average provider’s office.
Urgent care centers
Urgent care facilities generally have these characteristics:
- Appointments: Most don’t take appointments, but instead see patients on a walk-in basis. Some centers do allow people to make same-day appointments or add themselves to a wait list, but often these aren’t set in stone.
- Hours: Most are open 365 days per year, with extended hours that include evenings and weekends.
- Staffing: This can vary, but staff often includes a physician and advanced practice provider (such as a nurse practitioner or physician assistant). These providers may have varying specialties, most often emergency medicine or internal medicine (primary care).
- Labs: Most have limited lab capabilities that can handle simple tests like checking a blood sugar or analyzing a urine sample. Some may be able to do basic lab work like a blood count or electrolyte panel.
- Radiology: Most have X-rays, but they usually don’t have more advanced imaging like CT scan or MRI.
- Medications: They may be able to place intravenous (IV) lines to administer fluids or medications, but that’s not always the case. This also means they may be limited in their ability to give other IV medications, like pain relievers or antibiotics.
- Age range: Most can see people of all ages, but some may not offer care for infants or young children. But there are also pediatric urgent care centers that only care for infants and children.
- Payment: They often require payment at the time of service.
It’s important to understand that there’s no regulating body for urgent care facilities. This is why there’s a lot of variability in what care they can provide. This also means they aren’t required to treat people who can’t afford their services.
Emergency rooms
In contrast to urgent care facilities, emergency rooms (ERs) must adhere to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act of 1986 (EMTALA). This means that they are required to treat anyone who comes to the facility, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.
ERs are equipped to take care of any medical emergency. Most of them are attached to a larger hospital that can also provide an even larger range of medical services.
ERs have the following characteristics:
- Appointments: They don’t take appointments. Patients go through a triage process when they arrive, which is how the staff determines who needs attention first.
- Hours: They’re open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Staffing: There must be at least one physician in the ER or hospital at all times. Most of these physicians are trained and board-certified in emergency medicine. Most ERs have multiple doctors present at one time, as well as advanced practice providers with experience in treating emergent conditions.
- Labs: They can do a wide range of blood and urine tests.
- Radiology: They offer all imaging modalities, including X-ray, ultrasound, CT, and MRI.
- Medications: ER and hospital pharmacies are fully equipped with all necessary medications for emergent situations. This includes medications to adjust heart rate and blood pressure, medications to help with breathing, pain medications, antibiotics, IV fluids, and blood products. And the list goes on.
- Age range: ERs treat patients of all ages. While there are specific ERs for children, all board-certified emergency medicine physicians have training in the treatment of both adult and child emergencies.
- Payment: They don’t require payment at the time of service.
Freestanding emergency rooms
Freestanding emergency rooms are becoming more common as hospital systems try to respond to the increased demand for urgent and emergent care. These are ERs that aren’t physically attached to a larger hospital.
Freestanding ERs are required to operate like a traditional ER, so they’re equipped to administer emergency treatment. But if you need more involved care — like surgery or admission to the hospital — you’ll need to be transferred from the ER to a hospital. Freestanding ERs usually have an affiliation with a nearby hospital to facilitate this process.
When should you go to an urgent care instead of an ER?
Urgent care facilities are equipped to provide last-minute care, but they can’t always handle life-threatening conditions (even though there are certain lifesaving medications they keep on hand, like epinephrine for an anaphylactic reaction).
If you can’t get an appointment with your regular provider, or if their office is closed, an urgent care center might be the right place. Conditions that urgent care centers commonly treat include:
- Sore throat
- Upper respiratory infections (like the common cold)
- Ear aches
- Urinary tract infections
- Strains or sprains
- Smaller cuts that may need stitches (ERs can better address extensive or deep wounds due to their larger supplies)
- Mild burns
- Rashes
Because urgent care centers generally take care of simple conditions, they can usually see patients at a faster pace. So if you’re sure you have a minor or easily treated condition, you’ll likely be able to get quicker treatment at an urgent care center.

When should you go to an ER instead of an urgent care?
If you have any concern that your condition is a potentially serious or life-threatening emergency, you should go directly to an ER. If you can’t get to an ER quickly, it’s best to call 911.
An ER is the best place to get an evaluation if you have any of the following symptoms or conditions:
- Chest pain, or any symptoms that you think could be related to your heart
- Stroke
- Loss of consciousness or confusion
- Seizures
- Poisoning
- Severe allergic reactions
- Difficulty breathing
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting or coughing blood
- Vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain in pregnancy
- Head trauma
- Injuries from motor vehicle collisions
- Broken bones
- Any condition that you think may need surgery or a stay in the hospital
If you’re pretty sure you don’t need medical care right away, you can also:
- Call your regular provider’s office. They often have an on-call triage nurse who can help direct you to the right place.
- Call your local urgent care to ask about specific services, like if you can get a test for strep throat.
A call to the ER probably won’t be as helpful. That’s because the staff member answering the phone won’t be able to provide medical advice over the phone.
At the end of the day, if you aren’t sure where to get an evaluation — it’s always better to be safe and opt for an emergency room.
Cost: Urgent care vs. emergency room
Urgent care centers are almost always cheaper than going to the emergency room — as much as 10 times cheaper, by some estimates.
Urgent care centers get about two-thirds of their business from people with private insurance. Many also accept Medicare and workers’ compensation insurance. But unlike ERs, they may choose not to accept Medicaid. To save money, you may want to:
- Go to your health plan’s website to find a list of urgent care centers in your insurer’s network. Or call ahead to make sure the urgent care center accepts your health plan.
- Be aware that your copay or coinsurance at an urgent care center may be higher than a visit to your primary care physician. But it’s still likely lower than a visit to an ER.
- If you have health insurance, you can get an estimate of the cost of your visit. Urgent care centers “are able to provide an estimate of costs as long as they can access the patient's insurance information and coverage at the time of the request,” according to Lou Ellen Horwitz, chief executive officer of the Urgent Care Association, in an email to GoodRx Health.
What’s the out-of-pocket cost at an urgent care center compared to an ER?
If you have private insurance, you may pay an ER visit copay of $50 to several hundred dollars, depending on your health plan. Some plans waive the ER copay if you’re admitted to the hospital. Check with your health plan for details.
The total out-of-pocket cost for the ER visit is almost certainly going to be higher than the ER copay. This is to account for tests you need and specialists who see you. And depending on your plan’s deductible — and if you’ve already satisfied your deductible for the year — you may have to pay a big bill.
No one wants to hear that they might see a large bill. But there’s good news. Emergency care costs should be more predictable and less shocking with new consumer protections in the No Surprises Act, which bans most surprise out-of-network and balance billing. Starting in 2022, ER claims are required to be covered at in-network rates, and people have new ways to seek help if they get stuck with what they believe is a surprise bill.

Wondering how to improve your memory? If you can not remember where you put your keys or you have a memory gap trying to remember a name, let us reassure you that it happens to all people.
As we age, our memory decreases. Genes play a role, but our lifestyle choices are just as important. Research shows that regular exercise, a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy blood sugar level, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and avoiding smoking can all shield the mind.
In addition to healthy lifestyle choices, strengthening the brain through cognitive exercises is also vital to keeping your mind sharp and preventing memory loss.
Memory is considered to be the highest executive function of the brain. To maintain a good memory, the brain must be in good health. It should also be noted that many aspects of a person's health and well-being affect brain function and memory.
The 6 ways to sharpen memory
Adopt a healthy diet: A very important aspect of health and brain function is nutrition. The MIND diet which is a mixture between the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet can help prevent Alzheimer's. A study, published in Alzheimer's & Dementia, found that the MIND diet reduced the risk of Alzheimer's by 53%.
Meditation: Our brain is always under overstimulation under normal conditions, so it is important to give it a chance to relax. Meditation can also help the brain function, as it helps relieve stress, slows down the aging process of the brain and supports its processing functions. A study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences found that a variety of meditation techniques may be able to compensate for age-related cognitive decline.
Drink plenty of water: Dehydration is bad for your short-term memory, mood, attention and mental performance. Water is an essential nutrient and makes up almost two thirds of the body. It is essential for all aspects of bodily functions, including temperature regulation and oxygen distribution.
An analysis of 33 studies, published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, found that dehydration corresponded to a 2% reduction in body mass, which was associated with a significant deterioration in cognitive performance.
Get moving: Your physical health is closely aligned with your mental health. Exercise enhances the development of new neuroplastic neural connections. It also increases the levels of neurotrophic growth factors derived from the brain (BDNF), a substance that is particularly important for the development and organization of new brain connections in the elderly.
Get enough sleep: Experts believe that taking the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night is vital to good brain health. New research, published in the journal Current Biology, shows that intermittent rapid eye movement (REM) sleep can affect the area of the brain that is responsible for processing memories at night.
Tips to sleep well
Maintain a sleep routine.
Avoid using your cell phone or computer in bed or at least an hour before bedtime.
Exercise during the day.
Avoid caffeinated beverages, alcohol and heavy meals before bed.
Try reading a book or listening to soothing music before going to bed.
Improve your gut microbiome: Ways to keep your gut bacteria healthy and balanced include frequent consumption of prebiotics and high-fiber foods and vegetables and fruits. Finally, limit processed, refined carbohydrates and foods that contain sugar.

BA.4 and BA.5 strains, which were added to the World Health Organization's list of worries of concern last month, are likely to be responsible for rising cases in South Africa in recent weeks, authorities said on Friday. Health in Johannesburg.
The new study, which has not been independently screened and is being pre-published in MedRxiv, concludes that BA.4 and BA.5 "have the potential to lead to a new wave of infections," according to Reuters.
Read also: Fauci Warning: The pandemic is not over
However, the head of the study said in another medium that the new strains do not seem to cause more serious disease and that he does not expect a big pandemic wave, since a large part of the population has already been infected by Omicron.
The vaccine protects
The research team, split across several South African institutions, tested the antibodies on blood samples from 39 volunteers infected with Omicron late last year. 15 were vaccinated (most with Pfizer, the rest with J&J) and 24 were unvaccinated.
"The vaccinated group showed 5 times greater neutralizing capacity […] and should be better protected," the researchers wrote.
In this group, the neutralizing capacity of the antibodies was three times lower with BA.4 and BA.5 compared to the original Homicron variant BA.1. In the unvaccinated, however, it was eight times lower, indicating that the natural immunity of the unvaccinated "is unlikely to adequately protect against symptomatic infection."
"If you have been vaccinated and tested for Omicron, your protection is good, at least against serious illness," Alex Seagal, a professor at the African Health Research Institute and the study's lead author, told Fortune.
He even estimated that those who took Covid-19 before the appearance of Omicron will probably have low levels of immunity. The same should apply to those who have been infected with Omicron but have not been vaccinated, he said.
Fortune was the first to report on Friday that both BA.4 and BA.5 have already arrived in the United States, according to researchers who have access to the international GISAID database. The first BA.4 sample was collected on March 30, BA.5 a day earlier.
BA.4 has since been detected in Australia, where experts expect a wave of re-infections.
Seagal, however, said he did not expect a major pandemic wave, nor "a very serious wave in terms of the severity of the disease", given the even reduced protection offered by natural immunity and vaccination.
And so far the symptoms caused by the new variants show the same as those of the original Omicron, which include fever, numbness and malaise, he said.
The professor says he was surprised by the results of the study, as the two new strains carry only two mutations compared to the original Omicron. "But it looks like big changes," he said.
He added that there were "good signs" that Covid-19 was becoming milder, as the virus did not infect the lower immune system, where it could cause permanent damage and lower oxygen levels in the blood.
The new sub-variants "will not lead to huge losses even though they can cause many infections," he estimated.
More worrying would be the emergence of new, completely different variants, "then we should really be concerned," he said.

Government seems to be mandating us getting shots, how long before men are going to be mandated to getting the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer? #cantfixstupid

It is questionable whether this vaccine will offer anything significant to what we already have available. The main disadvantage is that it was licensed more than 1 year after other vaccines were released, while it was licensed in the United States only last week.
As a result, a large part of the population in developed countries has already been vaccinated. Also, the licensing of the vaccine does not currently provide for its use as a booster (3rd) dose, although data on its use as a booster dose are constantly increasing and it is predicted that it will soon be able to be used accordingly.
The main advantage of this vaccine is that it does not require low temperatures to be maintained like mRNA vaccines and therefore can be distributed in inaccessible areas or in developing countries where there is insufficient "cold chain" geographical coverage.
At the same time last week the first announcements were made by Moderna for an updated vaccine that targets Omicron more effectively. The vaccine, however, is potent, as it contains mRNA from both the original Wuhan strain and the Omicron strain.
The company has shown that the neutralizing antibodies produced after booster dose with the new potent vaccine are stronger than the booster dose with the monovalent vaccine. Recall that in March, the results of the booster dose were announced only with an Omicron executive, which, however, showed that it does not produce a better result than with the classic booster dose.
The paradox that is observed, ie the mixture leads to better immunity against Omicron than the "pure" Omicron vaccine, is probably due to the phenomenon of ancestral antigenic sin.
It is therefore possible that the mRNA mixture allows better selection and survival of the appropriate leukocyte cell clones that will produce more specific antibodies against both strains, which ultimately leads to an improved immune response for Omicron as well.
In each case, they have seized it, despite obstacles we can scarcely imagine. "

It's as simple as it sounds. A leisurely walk in the city or in nature will relax your muscles and will make you see the beauty that exists around you. Maybe this is how you realize that your problems are much smaller than you thought.
Listen to your favorite music
Music is a scientifically proven way that can make you relax and bring beautiful thoughts to your mind. Open your cell phone, close the data, put on headphones and drink your favorite drink: 4 simple but so important steps for your mental health.
Do something that really interests you
Do you like going to YouTube and watching the dinosaurs disappear from Earth? Changing your home décor over and over again? Playing the Millionaire on your mobile? Everything is OK. You may feel that you are not doing something extremely productive, but these moments when your mind empties and focuses on something specific are what you need to feel better when you need it.
Resign if you hate your job
Times are tough indeed. But the most important thing of all is to do something you love and not something just to make the month financially. Make a good rosary and look inside yourself for what satisfies you. Somehow you will relax and the main thing: you will get rid of people who all they do is fill you with stress and tension.
Sleep enough
Sleep affects your thoughts. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.

A scientific study showed that 91% of men and 86% of women remain sexually active in their 50s and, in fact, have perfected their technique and know how to enjoy sex more.
According to healthstories.gr, an American study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine and in which men aged 57 to 85 participated, found that most people have sex and, in fact, consider sexuality to be an important part of life. and their daily lives.
And while scientists have noted that sexual function declines at these ages, it has also been shown that a large number of men have sex and masturbate regularly until the age of 80.
"It is a fact that with the advancement of science more and more men manage to remain sexually active and enjoy sex, despite any problems that may arise. There are effective solutions that each specialist doctor can suggest to each patient individually.
In his 50s and 60s a man is productive and sexually prosperous, he knows how to satisfy his / her partner and how to function better ", points out Konstantinos A. Rokkas MD Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist.
The 50s have high performance
So men in their 50s, 60s, 70s are still sexually active, even when they are experiencing other health problems or sexual difficulties, which can occur over the years.
Studies have shown that a key reason for a mature man to be sexually inactive is when he does not have a partner. For people with partners, sexual inactivity can be observed due to a health problem or health anxiety in general, his / her / his partner, despite the lack of interest in sex itself.
"What we must not forget is that in any case it is important for everyone to have good sexual health", Mr. Rokkas emphasizes and explains how this can be done.
Follow six simple rules to maintain your sexual health
Quit smoking,
Reduce alcohol consumption,
Avoid fatty foods,
Take care to maintain your body weight at normal levels,
Reduce stress and, of course,
Put exercise into your life.

Research shows that the inability of a middle-aged or older person to stand on one leg for ten seconds is associated with almost twice the risk of death from any cause within the next decade.
The study shows that this simple and safe balance test could be included in the routine exams of the elderly. Unlike aerobic fitness and muscle strength and flexibility, balance tends to be fairly well maintained until the sixth decade of life, when it then begins to decline relatively quickly. Until now, balance tests were not often used in middle-aged people.
What the research showed
The researchers, led by Dr. Claudio Jill Araούjo of Clinimex Medicina do Exercicio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, who published the study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, analyzed data from 1,702 people aged 51 to 75 years. who were asked to stand on one leg for ten seconds without any other support, with their hands on their sides and looking straight ahead. Up to three attempts were allowed on each leg.
Eventually, one in five participants (348 people or 20.5%) failed the test. The older one was, the greater the chance of failure (about twice as much for every five years after age 50). Unable to stand on one leg for ten seconds were 5% of people aged 51-55, 8% in the 56-60 age group, 18% in the 61-65 age group, 37% in the 66-70 age group and more than half (54%) at 71-75 years old.
During a seven-year follow-up period, 123 people died (7%): 32% from cancer, 30% from cardiovascular causes, 9% from respiratory disease, and 7% from complications of Covid-19. The death rate was significantly higher (17.5%) among those who had been "cut" in the balance test than those who had "passed" (4.5%).
In general, those who did not pass the test had worse health, as they were obese, had heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes compared to those who passed the test. Taking into account other factors (age, sex, underlying diseases, etc.), it was estimated that imbalance in one leg was associated with an 84% increased risk of death from any cause within the next ten years.

Much research has shown that green tea is filled with healthy nutrients that help in maintaining a healthy body, mind and skin.
Here I am sharing some of the most important benefits of green tea.
*Green tea fights cancer.
*It strengthens bones.
*Protects against Osteoporosis.
*It reduces the risk of heart attacks.
*It's good for your heart's health.
*It's good for skin related issues like sunburn, acne, redness and oily skin.
*It helps reduce bad breath.

What’s the situation in your country? Do you think it is or could be threatening in the near future and affect the whole world just like Covid-19?

All these things when they become unbearable can result in depression.
Here are some signs of depression which shouldn't be ignored and you should consult a therapist.
*Getting angry even over little things.
*Lack of sleep.
*Loss of appetite.
*Losing interest in your hobbies or interests.
*Sudden weight loss or gain.
*Becoming isolated.
*Suicidal thoughts.

Note: The sugar industry fought this company to prevent this plant from being distributed… the sugar industry won. 😞

Among the possible health benefits of pistachios:
- They lower your risk of heart diseases.
- They can help you maintain a healthy weight since they are not only nutritious but also a satisfying snack.
- Improves vision
- Helps in weight loss
- Improves immune system
Excess of anything is bad, so avoid eating a large quantity of pistachios.

- It keeps you well-hydrated.
- It's packed with nutrients such as
- Carbs
- Fiber
- Sugar
- Protein
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Potassium
- Magnesium
3. It also improves your heart health.
4, Improves eyesight.
5. It helps increase the flow of urine and expels toxins from your body,

Eating raw garlic helps:
- In purifying your blood.
- In weight loss.
- Control blood pressure.
- Preventing cancer.
- Fighting infections
Eat 1-2 raw garlic cloves (depending on the size) with water before breakfast to get all the benefit.

So, it's extremely important to take care of your brain's health.
Here is a list of super brain foods which helps your brain function effectively. These foods will boost your memory too.
- Pumpkin seeds
- Nuts
- Dark chocolate
- Eggs
- Fatty fish
- Green tea
- Broccoli
- Green leafy vegetables

Spinach has numerous health benefits:
- Prevents osteoporosis.
- Recovers iron deficiency.
- Good eyesight.
- Supports cardiovascular health.
- Assists baby's brain development in mother's womb.
Add spinach to your diet in salads, smoothies, soups, and omelets.
How do like to add spinach to your diet?

The proven health benefits of eating eggs are:
- Excellent Quality Protein
- Its protein repairs body tissues and muscles
- Improves levels of “Good” cholesterol
- Reduces the risk of heart disease
- Highly beneficial for our eye health
- A good source of vitamin D
- Healthy for your brain and body
I prefer eating 1 whole boiled or scrambled egg. How do you like to eat eggs?

Here is a quick and easy recipe for this immunity-boosting soup:
In boiling water, add chopped onions, chopped ginger & garlic, chopped tomatoes, and a little bit of turmeric powder. Let it simmer on low to medium heat until the vegetables get cooked or for 30 minutes.
Turn off the heat. Add salt and black to the soup and enjoy. Take this soup 2-3 times a day, especially in winter.

In a pan, heat some oil and add this puree. Add salt, red chili, or paprika powder . Cook this puree on medium heat until it's cooked.
Now, add boiled eggs (whole or cut in half) to this cooked puree and mix them well with the puree.
Turn off the heat. Garnish it with chopped parsley and enjoy it with rice.
Have you ever tried this egg curry recipe before? It's delicious and easy to make.

The landscape is still murky regarding the "Centaur" subvariant, given its recent dispersal in the population and still incomplete data. As for its contagiousness and morbidity, so for the symptoms that accompany infection with this particular strain, scientists rely on early observations. According to them, symptoms are similar to other sub-variants of Omicron and include:
- cough
- fever
- fatigue or weakness
- headache
- nasal congestion and/or runny nose;
- other respiratory symptoms suggestive of a cold or flu.
Sore throat mainly followed by diarrhoea, shortness of breath, vomiting and muscle aches are some secondary symptoms that have been associated with illness from the Omicron variant and its sub-variants, while there is a small chance of odor and tastelessness, primarily symptoms of early wave COVID-19 illness of the pandemic.
It is noted that due to the shorter incubation period that characterizes Omicron and its subvariants, it is estimated that symptoms manifest more quickly after infection.

Saltwater grows in sand where there is relatively standing water. It is a shrub and its leaves are also needle-shaped. We also find a species that looks like a miniature cactus (in Latin they are called "salicorne", meaning salty horns).
It grows in coastal areas and in estuaries that are affected by salt water. It has nothing to do with tamarind.
Nutritional value
There is no official data on the nutritional value of the plant. However, like all greens, they contain small concentrations of vitamins C and E, and salt marshes that grow near the sea are rich in iodine and minerals. It is an appetizer, diuretic and a great antiparasitic of the intestinal tract. It acts as a detoxifier, cleanses the kidneys, is good for the blood and helps the skin.
It's the perfect summer salad. Its green shoots are eaten like greens. In the market you will find it in its cultivable form. It is eaten raw, but slightly boiled its taste is even better. It is presentable and it adds salt to our salads.
How to cook salt
• Remove any wilted or yellowed stems.
• Immerse the salt in a basin with clean water and a little vinegar. Do not add salt, it is naturally salty. Just wash it carefully and properly.
• Strain it and consume it as you wish.
2nd way
Rinse it, boil the tender pieces (the tassels) for a few minutes until it softens and drain. Serve it on the plate, pouring oil with lemon or vinegar on it. Saltiness, in addition to salad, gives flavor and is a perfect accompaniment to fish and seafood dishes

This was shown by another study done on 20,000 people aged 45 to 79 living in Great Britain. At the start of the study, the participants were perfectly healthy. So the researchers followed them for more than 10 years and tried to correlate their habits with life expectancy.
The first factor the researchers looked at was smoking. The 20,000 participants were asked the simple question: "Do you smoke?". If the answer was yes, then the person was counted as a smoker. If the answer was no, then as a non-smoker. Unfortunately, the study did not differentiate the amount of smoking. It did not measure the effect of different amount of cigarettes per day.
The second question was about exercise. In this case, the researchers asked the participants if they have a sedentary job, like most people who sit at a desk almost all day, and if they exercise regularly. If the participant answered that they had a sedentary job and did not exercise regularly, then the researchers noted that there was an absence of physical activity.
The third question was about alcohol. The alcohol limit set by the researchers was 14 units of alcohol per week. One unit of alcohol is equal to a can of beer, a small glass of wine or a shot of distilled spirits. If the person participating in the study answered that he consumed up to 14 units of alcohol, his consumption was considered acceptable, that is, he did not exceed the upper limit set by the researchers.
The last question was about fruit and vegetable consumption. The researchers measured vitamin C levels in the blood and defined that above a certain amount of vitamin C in the blood means that someone consumes at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, which is sufficient.

As a result of the settlement, NorthShore will pay $10,337,500 to compensate these health care employees who were victims of religious discrimination, and who were punished for their religious beliefs against taking an injection associated with aborted fetal cells.

The Henipa Langya virus, known as 'Langya', has already infected 35 people, however, no one has died or suffered serious illness, Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control says, according to a report in The Taipei Times, as reported by independent.
The agency also noted that the virus has so far been found in China's Shandong and Henan provinces, and no human-to-human transmission has yet been reported.
Twenty-six of the patients reportedly experienced flu-like symptoms, including fever, fatigue, cough, headache and vomiting.
The new virus belongs to the Henipavirus family, which has two previously identified viruses, Hendra virus and Nipah virus.
There is no vaccine and, in severe cases, it can have a fatality rate of up to 75%, according to the World Health Organization.
What is Langya virus
Langya virus, which has been found in China's Shandong and Henan provinces, can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Human-to-human transmission of the virus has not been reported, however the CDC has not yet determined whether the virus can be transmitted between humans.Detailing the serological survey conducted on domestic animals, it said 2% of goats tested and 5 % of dogs tested were positive.
Test results on 25 wild animal species suggest that the fly (a small insectivorous mouse-like mammal) may be a natural reservoir of Langya, as the virus was found in 27% of the ostrich subjects.
What are the symptoms of Langya virus
Some of the patients infected with the virus showed symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, loss of appetite, muscle pain, nausea, headache and vomiting.
They also had a decrease in white blood cells, low platelet counts, liver and kidney failure. Where was the virus first detected? A study titled "A Zoonotic Henipavirus in Febrile Patients in China" published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that a new virus associated with a human disease that causes fever has been identified in China.
The research identified 35 patients with acute Langya infection in Shandong and Henan provinces of China, and that 26 of them were infected only with Langya virus, without other pathogens.

Type 2 diabetes seems to have a significant impact on life expectancy in certain categories of patients, as a new British analysis shows.
The new study, presented at the annual meeting of the European Society for the Study of Diabetes in Stockholm, claims that type 2 diabetes has a particularly burdensome effect on the risk of premature mortality and, in general, on the life expectancy of women, young people, and smokers.
The researchers analyzed the data of 11,806 people from Salford, UK, of whom 55% were men, and the average age was 66.2 years, in a study that lasted 10 years. The researchers compared the participants' life expectancy with that of the general population of the same age and sex. They then looked at the possible influence of demographic and lifestyle factors on the mortality rate and life expectancy of people with type 2 diabetes.
The analysis also included participants' medical history from 2010 to 2020, Office for National Statistics data on life expectancy for the general population and information from the Index of Multiple Deprivation, which calculates poverty levels in small areas of the UK.

According to research published in Frontiers in Immunology, certain foods, vaccines, bacteria and viruses can "prime" our immune system to attack SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
All of these factors contain proteins that are similar to those found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Therefore, exposure to these proteins can train our immune system to react when it encounters the virus.
The researchers hypothesized that similarities between SARS-CoV-2 and other shared proteins may influence our susceptibility to the virus.
The role of immune memory plays a key role here and that is where the scientists focused. In particular, the research team investigated whether antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2 virus proteins could also bind to other proteins, such as food or bacteria.
So they tested the ability of these antibodies to bind to 180 different proteins from common foods, two different vaccines, and 15 bacterial and viral proteins. The antibodies reacted most strongly to a common gut bacterium called E. faecalis and to the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine.
Also interesting is the fact that they reacted strongly against proteins found in foods such as broccoli, roasted almonds, pork, cashews, milk, soy and pineapple.
But what does this mean in practice? You probably won't be able to get immunity to COVID-19 from diet. "Immunity" to a type of food, for example, is usually characterized by a food allergy.
The researchers caution that while these agents could potentially provide some protection against SARS-CoV-2, they should not be considered a replacement for current vaccines.
Furthermore, further testing is needed to confirm that these proteins actually provide some protection, and if so, whether this is mediated through a short-lived antibody response or a longer-lasting cellular memory.
Further studies could lead to more effective treatments or better vaccines against the virus.

The well-known saying that "money does not buy happiness" does not mean that financial supplies are negligible in the modern lifestyle, but rather that it is futile to try to satisfy your emotional needs by buying material goods. It's about having people around you, so focus on that.
2. Join a group
By declaring participation e.g. in a new seminar, a sports group or a nature hiking group, in addition to renewing your interests, you are also going to make a number of new acquaintances. This will increase the sense of companionship, which is generally associated with the innate human need for social acceptance.
3. Be physically active
It is no coincidence that smart mobile phones have taken on the role of "coach" for users' daily exercise – stand up, walk, do cardio, drink water. In the stress of the office (and not only) it happens that the most necessary movements for the functioning of the organization are neglected. This not only burdens the body, but also the psychology.
4. Find your spiritual peace
For many people this means practicing their religious duties (we could emphasize the psychological dimension of prayer here, couldn't we?) and for the rest of the world the refuge of tranquility is yoga, meditation or simply a walk to “ stay together". the same."
5. Do not consider others but your conscience
It's advice that comes from antiquity, specifically the Stoic philosopher Seneca, who was devoted to achieving bliss. Of course, this presupposes a structured psychosynthesis with a code of consciousness. As long as you are consistent with this, you can fend off potential attacks from others.
6. Be nice
According to research compiled in The psychology of nice people, condescension is one of the best ways to induce joy in brain neurons. Acts of solidarity, movements that show interest and concern naturally fall into this category.
7. Be generous
This advice goes beyond material goods, it's about feelings. Giving and altruism are the elements that ensure inner peace, joy and self-esteem.
8. Check your health status
Illness and ultimately death is the deepest cause of perhaps all the neuroses we experience in our lives. A regular check-up saves you from stress, which adds weight without necessarily being noticed. In addition, physical health is directly linked to mental health (see how much more intensively cats clean themselves when they feel safe).
9. Keep in touch with nature
Research has shown that walking in nature is much more stress-relieving than walking in the city. A very basic explanation is Mycobacterium vaccae, the microbiome released into the air from the soil that has been found to cause brain substances like serotonin to explode.
10. Don't stick to work cycles
It happens often and it makes sense. But this habit is not at all helpful for your psyche in the long run. Because you get caught up in the same faces, maybe even the same topics of conversation.

But what is it that has scientists worried about the Kraken sub-variant, in which countries has it already taken over and why should we all be on guard, at the risk of its rapid spread?
Why scientists are worried about the Kraken subvariant
A few days ago, the World Health Organization officially expressed its concerns about the sub-variant of the coronavirus named XBB.1.5, which has spread rapidly in the United States of America.
ABC News reports that hospitalizations are increasing in the northeast of the country, while surrounding states are also under threat. According to the data, cases have also been confirmed in Europe, Australia, and India.
As the WHO's head of coronavirus affairs, Maria Van Kerkhove, points out to CNBC, the concern is great as it is "the most contagious sub-variant of the virus that has been identified to date". This is also reflected in the data, as there was an increase in cases in less than a month by 41%.
#kraken #covid91

How the body and brain react to stress depends on many parameters, many of which are found in our genetic history and personal experiences. Today there is an ever widening gap between our biological and social evolution. We don't need to run from lions anymore, but we're still stuck in our instincts, and the fight-or-flight response isn't very cool in a board meeting. If you get stressed at work, will you slap your boss? Or will you make a change and put it on your feet? The question is how you react.
The way we choose to deal with stress can modify not only our emotions but also our brain itself. If we react passively or simply find ourselves stuck, stress can be destructive. Like most psychiatric issues, chronic stress results from the brain getting stuck in the same pattern, most often marked by pessimism, fear and resignation. Active coping gets us out of that area. Instincts aside, we have some control over how stress affects us. Control is key.

The research has also been published in The Prostate.
It is a pilot study conducted by a team of experts from Kanazawa University School of Medical Science, which was conducted on resistant cancer cells in animal model cell cultures (mice).
Coffee is known to be a complex mixture of ingredients that affects our health positively and negatively. However, a growing body of scientific evidence shows that the consumption of certain types of coffee is associated with a reduced incidence of certain cancers, including prostate cancer.
The Japanese experts studied the effects of two components of coffee, caffestol and caffeine acetate, on prostate cancer cells and mice and found that these substances were able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells that had developed resistance to cabazitaxel, a widely used anti-cancer drug.
Caffeal cacheol acetate and caffestol are hydrocarbons contained in the Arabica variety of coffee. The coffee brewing process has been found to affect whether these two chemical compounds remain in the coffee after fermentation (as in espresso), or whether they disappear (as in filter coffee).
The researchers had originally analysed six compounds (naturally present in coffee) in relation to the proliferation of prostate cancer cells in vitro (in laboratory tablets) and then observed that catechol acetate and caffestol contributed to slower growth of cancer cells. They then tested these ingredients on prostate cancer cells transplanted into 16 mice: four were the control group, four were given caffeine catechol acetate and four were given caffestol, while the others were given a combination of caffestol and caffeine acetate.

The benefits of artichoke are not a recent discovery. On the contrary, the vegetable has been famous for centuries for its healing properties. Among other things, it is thought to contribute greatly to lowering blood sugar levels, improving digestion, heart health and liver function.
What are the major benefits you will derive from including artichoke in your diet?
1. They are rich in nutrients
Artichokes are a rich source of nutrients. Among other things, they are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also contain important minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
At the same time, they are low in calories - a cup of cooked artichokes has only 90 calories - while they are rich in protein, having significantly higher amounts than the average plant food.
2. Improves cholesterol levels
Artichoke leaf extract has a positive effect on the regulation of cholesterol levels. According to numerous research findings, artichoke can lead to the reduction of both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, as well as triglycerides. This effect appears to be due to luteolin, an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol formation. Artichoke extract also prompts the body to process cholesterol more efficiently, leading to lower overall levels.
3. Regulates blood pressure
A significant number of reviews claim that artichoke can significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, although a causal relationship has not yet been established. According to the prevailing scenarios, however, it promotes the enzyme eNOS, which affects the expansion of blood vessels. Additionally, artichokes are a good source of potassium, which is known to help regulate blood pressure.
4. Promotes liver health
Artichoke also appears to act as a shield against damage, promoting the growth of new tissue in the liver. It also increases the production of bile, which helps remove harmful toxins from the liver. One study showed that artichoke leaf extract reduced inflammation and liver cell death in mice with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Human studies confirm the positive effects. Other reviews have found that artichoke supplements could reduce levels of liver enzymes, the high presence of which often indicates inflammation or damage to the liver.

The benefits of artichoke are not a recent discovery. On the contrary, the vegetable has been famous for centuries for its healing properties. Among other things, it is thought to contribute greatly to lowering blood sugar levels, improving digestion, heart health and liver function.
What are the major benefits you will derive from including artichoke in your diet?
1. They are rich in nutrients
Artichokes are a rich source of nutrients. Among other things, they are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also contain important minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
At the same time, they are low in calories - a cup of cooked artichokes has only 90 calories - while they are rich in protein, having significantly higher amounts than the average plant food.
2. Improves cholesterol levels
Artichoke leaf extract has a positive effect on the regulation of cholesterol levels. According to numerous research findings, artichoke can lead to the reduction of both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, as well as triglycerides. This effect appears to be due to luteolin, an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol formation. Artichoke extract also prompts the body to process cholesterol more efficiently, leading to lower overall levels.
3. Regulates blood pressure
A significant number of reviews claim that artichoke can significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, although a causal relationship has not yet been established. According to the prevailing scenarios, however, it promotes the enzyme eNOS, which affects the expansion of blood vessels. Additionally, artichokes are a good source of potassium, which is known to help regulate blood pressure.
4. Promotes liver health
Artichoke also appears to act as a shield against damage, promoting the growth of new tissue in the liver. It also increases the production of bile, which helps remove harmful toxins from the liver. One study showed that artichoke leaf extract reduced inflammation and liver cell death in mice with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Human studies confirm the positive effects. Other reviews have found that artichoke supplements could reduce levels of liver enzymes, the high presence of which often indicates inflammation or damage to the liver.

The study was published in Cell Reports and the research team looked at how ulcerative colitis, the chronic inflammation of the colon, can cause painful and persistent skin conditions that look like skin infections, but don't actually contain skin pathogens.
"What we found is that factors associated with gut inflammation actually cause skin reactions to microbes that it's already used to," says dermatologist Tiffany Scharschmidt, lead author of the study. As he notes, "the composition of the bacteria on the skin did not change. Instead, what changed was the skin's immune response to them."
Immune system and gut microbiome are inextricably linked and the disturbance of the latter can also lead to skin changes. This phenomenon occurs in a number of conditions, including ulcerative colitis, which fall under the umbrella of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

It is the replacement of a joint with implants, in patients suffering from arthritis, with the help of a robotic arm. The robotic arm allows no margin of error and no deviation from the original design, removing with precision, which touches the millimeter, the worn part of the bone and helping in the perfect placement of the implants.
When is an Arthroplasty operation indicated?
There are several reasons why an Orthopedic Surgeon recommends a Knee or Hip Arthroplasty. Patients who often benefit from such a procedure have:
Severe knee-hip pain and/or stiffness that limits daily activities, including walking, climbing stairs, and sitting in a chair. Often patients need some kind of help, eg a cane
Significant or severe pain at rest during the day or even at night
Chronic inflammation that does not respond to rest and medication
Failure to improve with other treatments, medications, infusions, and physical therapy
How is a Robotic Arthroplasty designed?
In all Robotic Arthroplasty operations, a special high-resolution tomography is performed before the operation. So the pre-operative planning is done based on the 3D anatomy and the patient's characteristics. The choice of the materials and the position where they will be placed is determined by the surgeon precisely with the help of a special program on the computer.
What are the advantages of the method?
Among the most important advantages is the precision offered by this method, which reaches 1/10 of a millimeter, since the robotic arm allows no margin of error and no deviation from the original design. In addition, intraoperative measurements and 3D reconstructions, through special computer programs, give an excellent surgical result in terms of joint kinematics and anatomy. Consequently, effectiveness is guaranteed and the longevity of implants is expected to exceed 15-20 years in hip and knee arthroplasty procedures. Finally, patients can leave the hospital as soon as the day after the operation, and they also walk immediately and return to their daily life in the following days.
What operations can be performed Robotically?
The operations that can be performed with the Robotic arm are:
Robotic Total Knee Arthroplasty
The operation maintains the general principles of classical arthroplasty, but in practice it is completely different in terms of the precision of the execution. Link status and mobility are assessed by the Robotic System software, with no margin for error. In this way, the final result is absolutely accurate and excellent.
Robotic Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
Only the damaged part of the joint is replaced, preserving the normal part of the knee. In this way, the normal kinematics of the joint is not affected, blood loss is minimized and recovery is noticeably faster. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital, except for a few hours after surgery. This type of operation is suitable for patients who have arthritis of only one compartment of the knee.
Robotic Hip Arthroplasty
During the operation, the surgeon has at his disposal measurements and 3D reconstructions of the hip joint via computer. The arm directs the preparation of the bone surfaces and the orientation of the implants so that they fit perfectly and ensure the best possible result.

Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder that raises cholesterol levels 2 to 4 times above average. In the recommendations from health agencies such as the American Heart Association regarding nutrition, foods of animal origin such as meat, eggs and cheese and additionally coconut oil, should be avoided by patients as being responsible for raising cholesterol.
However, an international team of nutrition and heart health experts, including five cardiologists, studying the dietary pattern of patients with the condition, found an interesting association that does not involve fat. According to study leader David Diamond, a professor and heart disease researcher at the University of South Florida, the study showed that sugars, not saturated fats, are the real risk to heart health.
According to the researchers, a low-carbohydrate diet is more effective for people at increased risk of heart disease, such as overweight, hypertensive and diabetic patients. The new findings are in line with a recent publication by the American College of Cardiology, which provided strong evidence that foods that raise blood sugar, such as bread, potatoes and sweets, are the ones to avoid.

This, however, for the body is equivalent to increased blood glucose levels, which are expressed in various ways, such as the feeling of an "explosion" of energy, the feeling of nervousness or even the symptom of dizziness. These indications are due to the sudden invasion of sugar in the blood, a phenomenon which is followed by an energy collapse. Thus, the sudden feeling of energy is followed by the feeling of fatigue, but also of hunger. All this creates an unwanted disturbance in the body, and repeated sugar spikes have been linked to a number of health problems, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, and can cause pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
In high sugar consumption, the body responds by releasing insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels and moves sugar out of the bloodstream and into the body's cells to be used as energy. At the same time, it signals the liver to store glucose for later use.
"However, you can make insulin's job easier by doing things to help restore healthy glucose levels quickly," says Dr. Nicky Keay, Endocrinologist Emeritus Lecturer at University College London.

This, however, for the body is equivalent to increased blood glucose levels, which are expressed in various ways, such as the feeling of an "explosion" of energy, the feeling of nervousness or even the symptom of dizziness. These indications are due to the sudden invasion of sugar in the blood, a phenomenon which is followed by an energy collapse. Thus, the sudden feeling of energy is followed by the feeling of fatigue, but also of hunger. All this creates an unwanted disturbance in the body, and repeated sugar spikes have been linked to a number of health problems, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, and can cause pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
In high sugar consumption, the body responds by releasing insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels and moves sugar out of the bloodstream and into the body's cells to be used as energy. At the same time, it signals the liver to store glucose for later use.
"However, you can make insulin's job easier by doing things to help restore healthy glucose levels quickly," says Dr. Nicky Keay, Endocrinologist Emeritus Lecturer at University College London.

A panel of health experts from around the world met to decide whether COVID-19 continues to constitute an emergency under World Health Organization (WHO) rules.
The WHO stresses that although the emergency phase is over, the pandemic is not over, citing cases in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The UN health agency says thousands of people are still dying from the virus every week.
“It is with hope that I declare the end of COVID-19 as a global health emergency,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stressing: “Yesterday, the Commission met for the 15th time and recommended that I declare the end of the emergency. I accepted that advice."
"This does not mean that COVID-19 is over as a global health threat," he said, adding that he would not hesitate to reconvene experts to reassess the situation if the virus "puts our world at risk again." .

A panel of health experts from around the world met to decide whether COVID-19 continues to constitute an emergency under World Health Organization (WHO) rules.
The WHO stresses that although the emergency phase is over, the pandemic is not over, citing cases in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The UN health agency says thousands of people are still dying from the virus every week.
“It is with hope that I declare the end of COVID-19 as a global health emergency,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stressing: “Yesterday, the Commission met for the 15th time and recommended that I declare the end of the emergency. I accepted that advice."
"This does not mean that COVID-19 is over as a global health threat," he said, adding that he would not hesitate to reconvene experts to reassess the situation if the virus "puts our world at risk again." .

What do dentists do to keep their teeth clean?
However, what dentists seem to insist on is the way and duration of brushing our dentures. Therefore, according to the dentist Korina Oikonomou, the teeth must be washed after every meal, i.e. at least 2 washes per day, for 2 minutes of brushing and without them having a distance between them of more than 12 hours. As she points out, 12 hours is exactly how long it takes microbes to grow in our mouths.
"However, if the interdental surfaces are not cleaned as well, it is as if half the surfaces of the teeth are cleaned" observes dentist Mrs. Korina Oikonomou, explaining to us how important it is to use dental floss or an interdental brush, from a young age. From the very age of 15, the age when all the permanent teeth have come out, we must learn the important role that interdental cleaning plays in our oral hygiene.

What do dentists do to keep their teeth clean?
However, what dentists seem to insist on is the way and duration of brushing our dentures. Therefore, according to the dentist Korina Oikonomou, the teeth must be washed after every meal, i.e. at least 2 washes per day, for 2 minutes of brushing and without them having a distance between them of more than 12 hours. As she points out, 12 hours is exactly how long it takes microbes to grow in our mouths.
"However, if the interdental surfaces are not cleaned as well, it is as if half the surfaces of the teeth are cleaned" observes dentist Mrs. Korina Oikonomou, explaining to us how important it is to use dental floss or an interdental brush, from a young age. From the very age of 15, the age when all the permanent teeth have come out, we must learn the important role that interdental cleaning plays in our oral hygiene.

A diet rich in green, leafy vegetables is important for prostate health, as the vitamins and antioxidants they contain are considered valuable. So enrich your nutritional plan with lettuce, spinach, cabbage and broccoli.
Limit red meat
Overconsumption of red meat has been associated with a chemical compound (PhIP) that is released when red meat is cooked and could increase the risk of prostate cancer.
Exercise regularly
Even 30 minutes of moderate activity each day, such as a brisk walk or jog, can have far-reaching benefits for well-being and therefore prostate health.
Hydrate yourself
It is recommended that you consume at least eight glasses of water daily, making sure to stay hydrated during and after completing your exercise routine.
Manage stress
The effects of prolonged stress on the body may not be immediately apparent, but long-term stress could weaken the immune system, change your hormonal balance, and make you more vulnerable to disease. Meditation is a great way to relax and improve your mental health, according to the expert.
Another reason to quit smoking
Carbon monoxide in smoke sticks to red blood cells until the cell dies, which can cause prostate cancer and other diseases.
Get informed and get tested
Early diagnosis also increases the survival rate. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prostate cancer screening recommendations differ depending on whether you are in a high- or average-risk group. If you belong to a high-risk group - that is, if there is a family history of prostate cancer - you should be screened preventively, starting at the age of 40. Men at normal risk are advised to consider screening from age 55.

One of the great pleasures that life gives us, but also a pleasure that gives us Life every minute we laugh! Many even call it the secret of longevity, and this is because, as proven by studies, laughter is good for the health of our heart!
Every time we laugh, as Dr. Elias Tsougos, Director of the 6th Cardiology Clinic of the HYGEIA Hospital, the good functioning of the blood vessels is enhanced, to the extent that the benefits for the heart can be compared to those of physical exercise. Half an hour of exercise three times a week and 15 minutes of laughter daily is the best treatment for the cardiovascular system.
It increases blood flow throughout our body.
Healthy blood flow means our heart, muscles, arms and legs receive the optimal flow of oxygen-rich blood, which helps reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack.
Reduces stress hormones.
Laughter stimulates circulation and helps relax muscles, which help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress as well as the risks to our heart health.
It increases the levels of "good" cholesterol.
High LDL cholesterol (the bad kind that is) can lead to heart disease if left untreated. Laughter has been shown to positively affect HDL cholesterol (the good kind) in our bodies. It is even particularly important for diabetic patients, who usually have lower levels of HDL cholesterol.
So laugh… with your heart!

One of the great pleasures that life gives us, but also a pleasure that gives us Life every minute we laugh! Many even call it the secret of longevity, and this is because, as proven by studies, laughter is good for the health of our heart!
Every time we laugh, as Dr. Elias Tsougos, Director of the 6th Cardiology Clinic of the HYGEIA Hospital, the good functioning of the blood vessels is enhanced, to the extent that the benefits for the heart can be compared to those of physical exercise. Half an hour of exercise three times a week and 15 minutes of laughter daily is the best treatment for the cardiovascular system.
It increases blood flow throughout our body.
Healthy blood flow means our heart, muscles, arms and legs receive the optimal flow of oxygen-rich blood, which helps reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack.
Reduces stress hormones.
Laughter stimulates circulation and helps relax muscles, which help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress as well as the risks to our heart health.
It increases the levels of "good" cholesterol.
High LDL cholesterol (the bad kind that is) can lead to heart disease if left untreated. Laughter has been shown to positively affect HDL cholesterol (the good kind) in our bodies. It is even particularly important for diabetic patients, who usually have lower levels of HDL cholesterol.
So laugh… with your heart!

It protects the heart
The monounsaturated fats found in avocados help maintain a healthy lipid profile by balancing good cholesterol (HDL) levels. However, "bad" cholesterol (LDL) values also improve, as well as triglyceride and insulin levels, as demonstrated by a review published in Molecules.
Improves brain function
If the heart works like clockwork, other organs, such as the brain, will follow suit. That is, when the area of the brain is properly blooded through the proper functioning of the blood vessels, the oxygen and nutrients it needs to perform properly are transported. Avocado's lutein content, however, is what makes it so valuable in brain function and beyond. A study in Nutrients found that its consumption increased lutein levels in the brain and improved cognitive function in older adults.
Protects vision
Correspondingly, the antioxidants, such as lutein, of the avocado are particularly beneficial for the health of the eyes. In the same study published in Nutrients, a 25% increase in lutein levels was observed in the eyes of elderly people who ate an avocado daily for six months.
Helps in the management of Diabetes Mellitus
With a low glycemic index, minimal carbohydrates, good fats and dietary fiber, regular consumption of avocados can be part of your diabetes management strategies. On top of that, the antioxidants in avocados help inhibit inflammation that contributes to chronic diseases like diabetes.
How much to consume? It's recommended to eat 1/3 to half an avocado a day, as well as opting in place of butter.

HPV (Human PapillomaVirus) is a sexually transmitted virus. It is estimated that the vast majority (85-90%) of sexually active people become infected with the virus at some point in their lives.
HPV consists of a large family of strains that attack the epithelium and mucous membranes of the upper gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory system, or the anorogenital region, causing either benign lesions such as genital warts or laryngeal papillomas.
The increased risks of the virus are associated with a high potential for tumorigenesis and causing precancerous lesions and include subtypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58 and 59. The property of HPV as an oncogenic virus has been described in 1983, when Harald Zur Hausen discovered that it can cause cervical cancer, a discovery for which Zur Hausen received the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 2008. HPV is usually cleared by the immune system but a small percentage of people who are infected with HPV increased risk of developing a persistent infection that can develop into cancer.
Regarding cervical cancer, it is thought that only 3-5% of infections develop into precancerous lesions. In the United States, HPV is causally linked to 100% of cervical cancer, 80% of oropharyngeal cancer, 50% of vaginal cancer, 50% of vulvar cancer, 50% of penile cancer, and 80% of rectal cancer. HPV-related cancer usually develops decades after the initial infection. Likewise in the cervix, HPV carcinogenesis progresses from precancerous lesions to cancer usually many years after the initial infection.
The incidence of cervical cancer has decreased significantly in countries where the population is compliant with screening (PAP test). Also, in populations with high compliance with HPV vaccination such as Australia in 2011, a zero incidence of warts was reported in vaccinated women under 21 years of age while the incidence did not decrease in unvaccinated heterosexual men over 30 years of age who had not been vaccinated. . .

Ikaria has wonderful beaches, but also hospitable residents, who are winners of life. But where is the longevity of the inhabitants of Ikaria based? But of course in the koklokasi
One of the secrets of their longevity is a superfood grown on the island called kolocasi or Jerusalem artichoke. Kolokasi is cultivated in Ikaria. It is a herbaceous plant that reaches a height of 1.50 - 2.00 meters. What we consume is its bulb which is similar to that of celery root. It is rich in starch and its taste is reminiscent of that of sweet potato.
Inside it is white and hard like a potato. The kolocasi (as well as its leaves) should not be eaten raw since, in addition to their beneficial properties, it also contains an extremely toxic substance, calcium oxalate. This substance is lost when we boil the bulb.
It is very nutritious, rich in vitamins B6, C, E, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Its leaves, which are also eaten, are a good source of vitamins A and C and contain more protein than the bulbs.

According to the findings of a new study from the US National Institutes of Health, published in eBioMedicine, adults who keep themselves hydrated appear to be healthier, develop fewer chronic conditions such as heart disease or lung disease, and live longer on average than those who do not. who do not consume sufficient amounts of fluids.
The researchers collected health data from 11,255 adults over more than 30 years to analyze the possible association between sodium levels - which increase when fluid intake is insufficient - and various health indicators. The data examined was that which the participants themselves shared during five medical visits. The first two visits were conducted when the participants were around 50 years old, and the last two when they were 70 – 90 years old. The study team wanted to determine whether sodium levels affected biological age, which was determined through 15 health markers, including systolic blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. These data provide a comprehensive picture of an organism's cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, renal and immune function.
The researchers found that adults with the highest normal sodium levels—normal defined as those between 135-146 mEq/L—were more likely to experience symptoms of premature biological aging, develop various chronic diseases, and face an increased risk of early death compared with those whose sodium levels were lower.
Researchers from Singapore estimate that the number of heart attacks will almost triple between 2025 and 2050, reaching 1,418 per 100,000 people. New research findings show that obesity will soon become the leading risk factor for heart attacks and deaths related to cardiovascular health. The findings are published in The Lancet.
In particular, a team from the National University of Singapore used data from the Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry (SMIR) from January 2007 to December 2018 to predict the prevalence of a range of conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), obesity and those related to smoking among people who have had or ended up having a heart attack, while taking into account other influencing factors such as age, gender and ethnicity. .
As the data revealed, obesity was shown to be the leading metabolic risk factor linked to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease by 2050, with the increase in cases reaching 880%. The study even predicted that obesity would not even surpass hypertension and hyperlipidemia as a risk factor.
Researchers from Singapore estimate that the number of heart attacks will almost triple between 2025 and 2050, reaching 1,418 per 100,000 people. New research findings show that obesity will soon become the leading risk factor for heart attacks and deaths related to cardiovascular health. The findings are published in The Lancet.
In particular, a team from the National University of Singapore used data from the Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry (SMIR) from January 2007 to December 2018 to predict the prevalence of a range of conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), obesity and those related to smoking among people who have had or ended up having a heart attack, while taking into account other influencing factors such as age, gender and ethnicity. .
As the data revealed, obesity was shown to be the leading metabolic risk factor linked to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease by 2050, with the increase in cases reaching 880%. The study even predicted that obesity would not even surpass hypertension and hyperlipidemia as a risk factor.
Can coffee help with this? Yes, experts answer and reveal the key benefits of coffee for healthy aging and longevity:
It reduces the risk of death from any cause
"Much research is still needed, but there is some scientific evidence that coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of death from any cause," comments Danine Fruge, medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center. A 2021 study published in Nutrients confirms the association. Other research went further, showing that all types of coffee have similar properties. "Coffee contains more than 100 bioactive components. The beneficial effect of coffee on longevity is probably due to these," explains Dr. Fruge.

Dr. Sara Mokhtar, from the Department of Medicine at Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, and her colleagues studied the health of the corneal nerves in people with diabetes, prediabetes - where glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diabetes . - and people without diabetes or pre-diabetes, i.e. with normal glucose metabolism.
The study involved 3,471 people with an average age of 59, of whom 48.4% were men. Of these, 21% had type 2 diabetes, 14.7% had prediabetes, while 64.3% had neither.
The results showed that the amount of damage to the corneal nerve fibers increased in proportion to the severity of the disorder in glucose metabolism.

In fact, adults aged 60 and older who played digital puzzle games had a greater ability to concentrate, ignoring distractions. However, older people who played strategy games did not show the same improvements in memory or concentration.
Previous research has shown that the way we retain information in the brain changes as we age. It is known, after all, that memory declines with age, especially working memory, that is, the ability to remember many things at the same time.
The best game for every age

“Previous studies have found mixed results regarding multivitamins and disease risk. We wanted to know why there was so much uncertainty. Is it possible that multivitamins are not effective in changing nutritional biomarkers in older adults?' stressed Dr. Alexander Michels, research associate at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University (OSU).
To investigate this further, the scientists examined 35 healthy men over the age of 68 for their study. The participants were randomly divided into two groups, and half received a dietary supplement, while the other half received a placebo. None of the participants were allowed to take any other supplements throughout the study. Only vitamin D was an exception if it was prescribed by the doctor.

Let's take fatty liver for example, what in medicine we call hepatic steatosis. Excessive consumption of high-fat meals, sugar and lack of physical exercise lead to the acquisition of a fatty liver.
The diagnosis of steatosis is made by ultrasound. The liver represents - together with the kidneys - the largest "cleaning and detoxification station" of the body.
If it's oily, it acts like a clogged filter, that is, from not enough to not at all. Toxins, as well as anything else that prematurely wears out our cells, accumulate and attack our body at a rapid rate.
Nature has made everything with wisdom. If we want to live long and well, our liver must be regenerated.
In five hundred days, we can get a new liver again - provided we stop living in a nutritional category.
That is, to drink a lot of water, to eat vegetables, a little poultry and fish.

Each year, 450,000 Americans die from cardiac arrest, according to the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In Europe, an incident occurs every 45 seconds. In Greece, deaths from out-of-hospital cardiac arrests annually reach almost 80,000, while in Attica, according to estimates by the Hellenic Cardiology Society, approximately 7-18 cardiac arrests occur daily, with one in five occurring in public places and of these, 50- 85% are due to shockable rhythms (ie, treated with an electric shock).
Using data from two studies in the US cities of Ventura (California) and Portland (Oregon) on cardiac arrest incidents and people who sought emergency medical care but did not suffer the event, researchers compared symptoms and found that 50% of people who suffered a sudden cardiac arrest experienced at least one characteristic symptom in the previous day, chest pain for men and shortness of breath for women.
The research also showed specific symptoms in smaller groups of men and women such as increased heart rates, seizure-like symptoms and flu-like symptoms.
Dr. Chugh emphasized that the two main symptoms do not imply an imminent cut, but caution is needed when hypertension, diabetes or underlying heart disease coexist, adding that smart applications or watches (wearables) in the future that can better identify people at increased risk. sudden cardiac arrest.
In any case, researchers say chest pain that is unprecedented and associated with shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, fainting tendencies, sweating, or nausea is an indication for immediate medical attention.

Each year, 450,000 Americans die from cardiac arrest, according to the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In Europe, an incident occurs every 45 seconds. In Greece, deaths from out-of-hospital cardiac arrests annually reach almost 80,000, while in Attica, according to estimates by the Hellenic Cardiology Society, approximately 7-18 cardiac arrests occur daily, with one in five occurring in public places and of these, 50- 85% are due to shockable rhythms (ie, treated with an electric shock).
Using data from two studies in the US cities of Ventura (California) and Portland (Oregon) on cardiac arrest incidents and people who sought emergency medical care but did not suffer the event, researchers compared symptoms and found that 50% of people who suffered a sudden cardiac arrest experienced at least one characteristic symptom in the previous day, chest pain for men and shortness of breath for women.
The research also showed specific symptoms in smaller groups of men and women such as increased heart rates, seizure-like symptoms and flu-like symptoms.
Dr. Chugh emphasized that the two main symptoms do not imply an imminent cut, but caution is needed when hypertension, diabetes or underlying heart disease coexist, adding that smart applications or watches (wearables) in the future that can better identify people at increased risk. sudden cardiac arrest.
In any case, researchers say chest pain that is unprecedented and associated with shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, fainting tendencies, sweating, or nausea is an indication for immediate medical attention.

Seven types of botulinum toxin are listed, separated by the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Only types A, B, E and rarely F cause disease in humans. Butcher's toxin is considered one of the deadliest substances.
A dangerous disease
Foodborne botulism occurs when Clostridium botulinum grows and produces a toxin in food that is then consumed without proper cooking to destroy the toxin. The toxin is usually produced in improperly prepared or canned foods, low in salt or sugar, low in acidity, and in pasteurized or lightly cooked foods that have not been frozen, especially those in airtight packaging (e.g. smoked fish, meat products , sauces etc.). The toxin is destroyed by boiling (85°C for 5 minutes or more), while the spores take longer to be destroyed (120°C for 10 minutes or more).

The word arrhythmia means that the heart's function is out of rhythm, that is, it beats too fast or too slowly or in an irregular manner. This term is quite general and includes a large group of heart rhythm disorders, from fairly innocent to life-threatening arrhythmias if left untreated," emphasizes Mrs. and continues, "as an electrophysiologist (arrhythmologist), i.e. a cardiologist specializing in arrhythmias, I deal with many patients every day who complain of an irregular heart rhythm.
How is a regular or irregular pulse created and what are the symptoms?
The heart's beat is generated by an electrical impulse generated in its normal "battery" known as a sinus node. This changes continuously during the 24 hours depending on the needs of our organization. When this impulse is not produced or transmitted properly, or there is another center that produces impulses in an unnatural way, an arrhythmia is created. This does not allow the blood to be properly pushed by the heart pump throughout our body.
Common symptoms can be: a "fluttering", "pounding" feeling in the chest (called palpitations), weakness, dizziness, fainting, restlessness, discomfort or even shortness of breath, chest pain or syncope. However, some patients with arrhythmias have few or no symptoms, and these arrhythmias may be discovered incidentally during a routine test or because another medical problem has arisen.
The most common arrhythmias
The extraordinary contractions, i.e. the excessive contractions (pulses) that affect the normal rhythm of the heart and can be felt by many of us. A sudden contraction can create the feeling that the heart misses a beat. They are often caused by strong emotions (joy or sadness) or some external factors such as alcohol, coffee or nicotine.
These contractions are usually not worrisome. Rarely, it can be a harbinger of a more serious condition, especially in patients with heart disease.
As tachycardia we define, when the pulses at rest are more than 100 per minute. Normal pulses are not the same for every person, as they depend on the age and general state of the person's health. So in fact, any increase in the number of pulses from our normal, and especially if accompanied by symptoms, can be a sign of arrhythmia.