How to stay healthy: practical tips

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

This state directly influences your quality of life and the time you live. Hence the importance of staying healthy, and for you to achieve it in a simple way, we share with you some tips.

What habits help you stay healthy?

Adopting certain habits can make a difference in your overall well-being. We indicate some customs that you can implement:

  • Follow a balanced and varied diet that provides you with all the nutrients and calories your body requires to stay healthy.
  • Hydrate constantly.
  • Get enough sleep for your body to rest and recharge.
  • Practice physical exercise regularly.
  • Control alcohol consumption and eliminate tobacco.

How should your diet be?

Proper nutrition is the best way to prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, among others. Therefore, your diet should include:

  • Carbohydrates for energy. They are found in bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, pasta and rice.
  • Proteins necessary for the formation of cells and tissues of the body. You find them in fish, meat, dairy products, cereals, legumes and nuts, among others.
  • Moderate fats to provide essential fatty acids and energy. You can consume it in vegetable oils, meats, dairy products and some fish.
  • Essential vitamins and minerals for your body to perform various chemical reactions daily. You can get them in fruits and vegetables, dairy products, oily fish, red meat, shellfish, legumes and cereals.
  • Fiber to enjoy several benefits such as the regulation of cholesterol and blood sugar. Fiber foods are legumes, cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruits and vegetables.
The Topic is Healthy Eating

How much physical exercise should you practice?

Performing physical exercise gives you a feeling of well-being and also contributes to a better performance of the heart, to regulate insulin and cholesterol, to improve your muscular condition and to prevent being overweight, among other benefits.

To enjoy the benefits of an active routine, it is enough that you walk half an hour or a full hour a day. You can also do some aerobic activity three times a week.

How many hours should you sleep?

While you sleep, your body recharges with energy and secretes the hormone responsible for growth. That is why you should sleep between seven and eight hours each night.

It is also advisable that you go to bed at the same time.

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Hygiene tips for your day to day

To deal with infections, it is recommended that you practice the following hygiene habits:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after coming into contact with unsanitized surfaces.
  • Take a shower once a day.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose as much as possible.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
  • Ventilate rooms and other closed spaces frequently.

Avoid the following actions

In addition to the practices that we advise you to apply as part of your daily life, we also invite you to avoid the following actions or customs with the idea of ​​staying healthy:

  • Avoid smoking. Tobacco is extremely harmful to your body. Keep in mind that a cigarette can be made up of more than 4,500 chemicals products, 200 poisonous products and more than 40 carcinogens.
  • You should also minimize alcohol consumption, since it affects not only the functioning of your organs, it also hinders your motor coordination. That is why it is advised that you do not combine alcohol consumption with activities such as driving a vehicle.

Taking all these aspects into account, you can stay healthy and enjoy a harmonious and high-quality lifestyle.

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