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There’s more bad news for potential homebuyers: Prices just hit another record

US home prices rose at the fastest clip in months to a fresh record high in January, according to data released Tuesday, highlighting how a housing shortage combined with high mortgage rates continues to limit affordability.   The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller US National Home Price index rose 6% in January from a year before, accelerating from a 5.6% annual increase in December. It’s the highest annual increase since late 2022.  (Read More at

Inflation is sticking around. Here's what that means for your money.

he war against inflation was never going to be easy, but the latest consumer price index data demonstrates just how tough a fight the Federal Reserve is facing. In the months ahead, the outcome of that battle will have major implications for your finances.  New labor data shows that U.S. prices in March rose 3.5% from a year ago, hotter than economists expected and the third straight month that inflation has accelerated.  (Read More at

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