Global Trade in Focus

Welcome to Global Trade in Focus, where we navigate the world of international commerce.  Explore real-time updates, insightful analysis, and breaking headlines on international trade agreements, policies, tariffs, and economic trends.  From trade wars to market shifts and supply chain disruptions, our platform is your go-to resource for staying updated on the ever-evolving landscape of global trade. Join us as we navigate the intricacies of international commerce and explore the impact of trade on economies worldwide.

Related Page:  FITCE – BlahFace was a World Sponsor of the 8th Annual Florida International Trade and Cultural Expo (FITCE), held October 4-5, 2023.  Highlights here.

India's Adani Energy Solutions to raise up to $1.5 bln

US and European importers have been significantly affected by the double shock of the Red Sea and Panama Canal trade crises, UN research shows, as firms continue to battle import delays, elevated shipping costs and working capital constraints.  (Read More at

China Slams G-7 for ‘Hyping’ Overcapacity as Trade Tensions Soar

(Bloomberg) — China hit back at the Group of Seven nations over their criticism of Beijing’s global trade practices, accusing members of exaggerating the threat of overcapacity posed by the world’s second-largest economy.

The club of rich-world finance ministers and central bankers accused China in a communique on Saturday of hurting the economies of its trade partners through its “comprehensive use of non-market policies and practices,” adding that members would continue to monitor the “negative impacts of overcapacity.”  (Read More at


Global trade image depicting a bustling port scene with a focus on global trade. The foreground shows several dock workers.
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  • Monthly U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, May 2024 (
  • Advance Economic Indicators May 2024 (

Notice: The Advance Economic Indicator Reports (AEIR) for June 2024 and September 2024 will be released a day earlier than previously announced in order to provide key data earlier to data users. 

How global trade is undergoing combative transformation

The world’s three dominant economies are entering a combative phase that threatens to deepen fractures and challenges decades of free-market orthodoxy as the US uses trade weapons borrowed from China’s playbook, leaving Europe with big decisions to make.

Then-President Donald Trump fired the first shots with tariffs on China seven years ago, and then Joe Biden ushered America into the new industrial policy age. Stage three, punctuated by Biden’s latest round of duties on Chinese imports, builds on the first two: using tariffs to defend US interests, with subsidies now at the core of policy and without fear of retaliation.

The $31 trillion arena of international commerce has withstood a series of shocks in recent years, including the US-China trade war. This time, the linchpin is the European Union — caught between preserving its self-styled role as defender of multilateral rules and fearing the loss of millions of jobs and tens of billions in investment while the US and China wield market-distorting subsidies and tariffs.

“Trump let the protectionist genie out of the bottle,” said Simon Evenett, founder of the St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity Through Trade, a group based in Switzerland that tracks trade policies. “No one dared to put it back in.” (Read More at

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How Shipping Containers Control Global Trade

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