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Stress can be described as an extremely unpleasant diffuse feeling and as a vague feeling of fear accompanied by one or more physical discomforts. It is something that we have all felt or will feel at some point in our lives but the intensity in which we experience it and the way we deal with it is different.
When your partner is stressed, he suffers and you have a hard time with him because you do not know exactly how to help him. The longer the stress lasts, the more severe it becomes. It causes prolonged fatigue both physically and mentally. Telling your partner not to stress does not relieve him. On the contrary, it brings more upset to both him and the “system” of the two partners.
So let’s look at a recipe today with which you will learn how you can support your partner when he is stressed.
Recipe ingredients
- Calmness
- Patience
Positive thinking/optimism
- Mood for open communication
- Interested in his needs
Instructions for executing a recipe
- Keep your cool because only then will you help your partner
- Do not wonder if you have some responsibility for his own stress – do not take it personally (A mistake, I’ve learned my lesson from, and
do not forget I’m a psychologist)
- Do not underestimate his stress and do not minimize the importance of his feelings and concerns
- Do not tell him that there is no reason to be anxious
- Do not ask him not to stress
- Avoid negative criticism
- Do not take initiatives on the grounds that they will relieve him unless he asks you to do so
- Encourage your communication by asking him to talk openly about his needs and fear
- Show real interest in what is happening to him Reflect a more optimistic attitude towards life and assure him that you are there to make his life easier and happier
Recipe secret:
Remember that stress is an internal alarm that warns us of something being wrong and motivates us to do something to deal with the internal or external threat. If you manage to be next to your partner, then he will also feel your support and will probably move more easily from the position of stress to a position of greater composure.
I wish you good luck in implementing the recipe I suggest!

The prevailing traditional model wants the man a few years older than his partner.
The first change but also more acceptable since we are used to it enough is for the man to be much older than his partner. A typical example would be George Clooney marrying Amal Alamuddin, 17 years younger than him.
In recent years we have seen many changes between couples and there are many different theories and answers.
With all the social changes that happen every day, the standards are shaped accordingly and the choice of a partner is no longer made purely by age criteria.
The intense rhythms of life force both sexes to work hard and set new priorities and needs over the years, so the average age of marriages tends to increase since for several years it is not in everyone's priorities.
- So each partner who chooses a partner many years younger, what he is mainly looking for is the vitality, energy, freshness, and great mood that characterizes the young age.
Unlike partners who choose partners many years older than them, what they seem to be most looking for is the experiences they have, the maturity, and the fact that they are in a different phase of life that they themselves would like.
In these relationships, success comes through the desires of everyone who finds them in their partner.
There are doubts in a relationship with a big age difference when issues of marriage and family are raised, but the couples themselves experience it very well in relation to their environment.
- Of course, a relationship with a big age difference has a different explanation, which corresponds to the father-daughter relationship and respectively mother-son relationship.
More specifically, a woman, choosing as a partner a man many years older than her, there is a possibility that she has been deprived of paternal care, affection, and hug and to show this need in her relationships and to look for older partners based on subconscious reasons, believing that there will have the hug he was deprived of.
Another interpretation is that he may have received a lot of love from his father and is looking for an older man, feeling that he will receive his love and care from his partner.
On the other hand, men looking for older partners are usually those who have had an ideal mother-son relationship with boundaries and balances and young people still have a strong sense of companionship and the need for a family looking for women with a maturity to share. this needs and give them love and embrace that they too have accepted and have as a healthy role model.
Regardless of the age criterion, what matters is that we are more in touch with ourselves, our views, and our wants, and the more work we do with ourselves, the easier it will be to recognize the reasons behind each of our choice and we will process whether it is purely our choice or a decision we have made from what unconsciously directs us.
Finally, any relationship if it manages to be maintained over time depends on other criteria and not so much the age.
For example what matters is why we enter into a relationship, if the reason is common to both partners and is based on emotional constructs (love, companionship, respect, honesty, family) then the relationship is more likely to be maintained, but if the reasons are more superficial and based on other criteria then the relationship is not very likely to be maintained even between interlocutors.

I never expected that I will write or participate in a forum sharing some personal stories about relationships. Blahface won me.
I'd like to share a couple of experiences and encourage you to share similar ones. It's interesting to me to see if people in here have to share a story of what I call "A bad romance".
Let me start...
Back in the early days of the Internet and social media, I used to chat & flirt with strangers online.
The "safety" & "ease" of replying at your own pace sitting at your couch seems to work well for many people who have either insecurities, a lack of (soft) social skills in real life like ice breaking or picking up women, or very busy schedules that make it hard to date.
Side note: I did this, years before those dating apps sprung like mushrooms.
So here is the aftermath and some experience gained.
1) A profile is a very limited source of information and often communicates a fictional image of the owner. Usually, we like to upload & heavily edit material that highlights are flattering characteristics, aesthetically speaking, and conceal our negative ones. Imagine what happens today with apps like Faceapp and a wide variety of filters designed to edit and "beautify" our image.
So in the first place, those people who use it are "faking it to get it" and without realizing it some of them are in a rat race for likes/followers and dates.
2) As the brand new car that lives the showcase with an onwer loses 10% of its value likewise when you chat for a very long time with a person and you finally meet, a 10% of a mystery instantly disappears. Remember. The mystery is aphrodisiac. You demystify in moments what you build, especially if you ruin it with bad body language, behavior, and unreasonable high expectations in real life.
3) Be careful of what you upload before and after a date. It can give some hints to people you don't want to know and may be open to interpretations like giving hope. Love games can backfire if you don't know well the other person and his/her limits.

Some more bytes on the internet where a millennial grumbles and comments on what is happening around him? That's me, yes.
I do not know at all if it is my fault that I am a very closed person. I always saw that there is a subtle difference between "how do you do?" and "how are you?" The first is like "good morning". Something typical. An easy way to show that you are not a caveman. The second is a little more substantial and perhaps more rare. You really expect the other person to answer how he feels.
The "how are you doing?", The standard answer is "okay" or even "okay mom" or to the final "fine". In the second, things get complicated. They can start here from a "good" and end up being with a man crying on your shoulder or dancing at the bar of a restaurant 5 in the morning of an typical Wednesday. But this is not always the case.
For millennials (roughly those born between 1985 and 1995) it has become the standard answer to "how do you do?" "I try" or "sucks" or even "we will all die". From one point onwards it is done automatically. Saying "I'm perfect" automatically puts you out of the company. For the rest of the night you will sit alone: You, your smartphone and your perfection. There are many reasons for this. Suffice it to say that the horizon of expectations we have in relation to our parents is inversely proportional. They saw their future in flying cars. We see it in nuclear shelters.
Where did all this misery lead? In something good. Dealing with mental health. Many millennials have a salary of several dollars and will give an amount of them to their psychologist. They will talk about their visits to him or her completely rewarded. "I can not come for coffee today, I have a psychologist." It wouldn't come anyway but you know…
Sometimes, of course, we may overdo it. Maybe we treat psychotherapy as the solution to all problems in an almost mechanical way. It is as if in 2, 3, 5 years we will find the screw that loosened, we will change it and we will start operating like new after the update.
The truth is that it does not work that way. Fortunately it does not work that way. We will carry our wounds and experiences forever.
On the other hand, I look forward to finally living in a society where everyone understands that no one belongs to anyone. It is vital (especially for men). But I confess that I am terrified in front of a world where life (or love) will not cause the slightest emotional discomfort.

I decided to share a personal experience I had with one of my co-workers when I used to work for a multinational firm based in Canada, Ottawa.
Due to the privacy agreement terms I have signed, I can't reveal much about the company, not that it adds to the story much. To clarify, it's not something military oriented more in the corporal culture.
So, let's start this short story. 2 months in the company and in my floor, I noticed a co-worker who had a strange aura. I don't know how exactly to describe it, it has certainly has nothing to do with dress choices or personal hygiene (some funny smell that follows him like a mini "curse cloud")
I noticed a strange unexplained behavior during our short encounters. Those were between lunch breaks and during some business we had to talk. The man was talkative but in his words and body language there was the element of arrogance, without any obvious reason. I'm ok with people who are arrogant if there are good reasons.
He was simply a clerk, perhaps much into politics, full stop.
After a couple of some ping-pong chat between us, he admitted that he visits a therapist because he was diagnosed with what he called "Delusion of Grandeur". I tried to enter the subject being as discrete as possible but I decided to let him open up about it freely without any "hooks". After all, there's internet where you can google and learn anything very fast these days. The personal story behind this triggering behavior could be interesting thought.
Anyone else had a similar experience with Delusions of Grandeur or anything similar?

Really what are we looking for in any relationship forum, in the blind? With what images in the mind and with what illusions? Entering dating pages do we expect the miracle that did not happen in so many years? We are realists or we dream of a man as our imagination made him.
Yes I think this is what most of us are looking for. There are also some who are looking for the temporary and the tangible. Another adventure. These are the youngsters and middle-aged people who are looking for renewal. I personally care about these romantic dreamers who are looking for the ideal and as soon as they realize the real they flee in panic. Why the ideal? Hmm does not exist.
It is probably made with patience and substantial effort. With proper communication and mutual understanding. Have we tried it? Most probably not. We prefer what will come from heaven. He will love us, he will admire us, we will be the one and only. We are waiting for him or her with the right proportions, the right height and the beauty of our own taste. Even if we are with bloated bellies and not ideal proportions. Let us be incorrigible and flawed. Really what are we looking for?
Excuse me if my english is not the best or my spelling is somehow, but I was too emotional as I was typing these words.
You can tell I'm a dreamer, full-time, apart from my job which is graphic design, pixel creations and creativity!

A break does not necessarily mean that the end has come, but it is definitely a possibility. It can come at a critical stage in a relationship and is necessary. Especially if you do not intend to divorce. "What the break does is de-escalate the unhealthy dynamics of the relationship," explains psychotherapist Parisa Ghanbari. The question is how to do it in a beneficial way.
Nothing is done right without communication. When we think of taking a break from our relationship, we need to talk to our partner about the thoughts we are having. This cannot be done if it is not reciprocal. One takes the initiative and if they both agree, they take their distance.
How does the break-up work in practice?
First of all, you have to accept that there will be emotions in the beginning, such as anxiety, anger, or sadness. It will be a phase of loneliness and uncertainty. But it will also be a time period when you can record your thoughts, spend more time with yourself, and think better about your relationship. See if you can live without your partner or the changes you would like to see when you are together. Visit a specialist who will assist you in the endoscopy process.
You can meet again after the time you have set aside to share what this phase of your life was like. It does not matter if it lasted 1 month, 1 semester, or 1 year. If you feel that you want to continue to be together, but through mutual development or separation, do what is best for both of you.
Basically, the key here is to answer the question "How to do it in a beneficial way" in order to learn from this experience and the time spent alone.

Once you've figured out how to start living your own life without worrying about what others think and confident in your own uniqueness, don't forget to extend the same courtesy to others. Accept and encourage others in their individuality. Avoid gossiping, thinking poorly about people you don't know, and, most importantly, rushing to judgment.
2. Keep in mind what is most essential to you
Have you ever made decisions or followed a certain route because you felt you'should' or because it was what others desired for you? If that's the case, you're already aware that it rarely works out. It's nearly hard to be happy as anyone other than your most real self, whether it's landing a job you despise but that makes your parents happy, or turning down a large chance because you fear your friends wouldn't 'understand it.' You shouldn't be trying to impress anyone; this is your life, after all, so focus on what matters to you.
3. Pay attention to the people you associate with
What kind of persons do you spend your time with? When you're surrounded by people that uplift and encourage you, it's always simpler to be yourself and feel good about life than when you're surrounded by doubters and negative people who drain the energy out of your goals. Obviously, you won't always agree with everyone you meet. And why would you want to? If we everyone shared the same thoughts and opinions, life would be dull. Having at least a small circle of people with whom you can be completely yourself, on the other hand, can be quite advantageous.
After all, the more time you have to devote to being your utmost best, the better.
Bonus: No more apologies!
If you find yourself continuously apologizing to others for the way you are, this is an easy way to tell if you spend too much time caring about what others think. If you've done something wrong and an apology is appropriate given the circumstances, go ahead and apologize! But don't get into the habit of apologizing simply for being yourself.
There is no actual reason to apologize if you stand out from the herd, express unusual thoughts, or care about something vital to you.

Whether you are trying to save money or you tend to be a lonely person and always want your shot, having a roommate is a viable option in many ways. So before you start the process of finding the ideal roommate, you must first understand what it means to live with another person and what you are going to meet.
So if you live in an urban area having a roommate can have many benefits. Which; We have 10 ways in which you can harmoniously share an apartment or a house with a friend, without making either of you feel uncomfortable.
1. Establish some basic rules
The first thing you need to do with your new roommate is create a short list of rules. This is a give and take discussion, so first mention the most important things you each expect from each other. Include how the bills are distributed, who pays what, guest policies, the cleaning plan and anything else you can think of.
2. Do not borrow without first asking for it
Your roommate may have a great dress that she has been wearing for a long time, but that does not give you the right to wear it without asking her. Ask for her permission first and respect her wish.
3. Respect each other's space
Everyone has a need for some personal space, no matter how extroverted they are, so avoid invading each other's space. Never enter her bedroom without knocking first.
4. Follow the Golden Rule
Before taking any questionable action about your roommate, stop and think about what it would be like if the terms changed. Following the Golden Rule can save your relationship.
5. Everyone in their space
If you cause chaos, clean it. Do not expect your roommate to help you get organized after a party, unless you are planning to do it together. Also, you should not leave the mess for the next day because the other person does not have to deal with dirty dishes and crumbs when he gets up in the morning. If you share a shared bathroom, keep your personal belongings tidy and tidy.
6. Keep your hands away from each other's food
When a bowl of your favorite ice cream suddenly appears in the freezer, do not assume that it is half yours. Do not eat a single bite until you have permission from your roommate. It may be there for a special occasion ... If you really want a little, go out and get one of your own.
7. Respect the need for quiet
If you see your roommate reading a book, do not interrupt the discussion. If you know he has to be at work early the next morning, keep quiet. One way for roommates to inform each other when they are sleeping is to make a small sign that can be hung on the knob of their bedroom.
8. Take care of your pets
If you have agreed that pets are allowed, do not expect the other person to take care of yours. Feed your cat, take your dog for a walk, pick up his hair or dirt and of course put a vacuum cleaner on the couch and carpet if he has hair.
9. Do not gossip about your roommate
Living with your girlfriend, you will surely discover something that would be great food for gossip. But do not do it. Remember that the opposite is also true and think about how you would feel if she did something similar to you. Shit do not you agree?
10. Respect your guests
Whether you have invited someone to dinner or to stay with you as a guest, it is always a good idea to discuss it with your roommate. Misunderstandings about people and situations are created out of nowhere.

The concept of happiness differs from person to person. One may be very rich and unhappy in one's personal life, while another may have a wonderful family but not be able to accomplish their professional goals and this may cause them frustration and sorrow.
For me, total happiness includes a little of everything. By applying and taking into account the following tactics and habits followed by people who have found happiness in their lives, you will be able to find your way to building a happier and more comfortable life.
# 1. They wake up early
You do not need to wake up at 5 in the morning and run to seize the day to be happy. What I mean is that by wasting half your day sleeping, you get away from your goals, dreams and activities. Try setting an alarm an hour earlier and you will be amazed at how many things you can do in that extra hour.
# 2. They meditate
Chronic stress burdens us physically, mentally and emotionally and does not help us reach the state of calm we need to achieve our goals. Those who meditate frequently have been shown to have higher success rates in their finances and relationships. Try to start with just 10 minutes a day, at least three times a week in order to eliminate stress and overexertion.
# 3. They are emotional
Really happy people cultivate meaningful relationships with those around them and are able to serve others through their deep understanding and empathy. One way to exercise your emotional intelligence is to try to be calm, to have meaningful conversations with those around you and not to look for reasons to quarrel.
# 4. They help others
Happy people are not only willing, but also happy to help others find their own happiness, and thus create a network of people around them who are grateful and want to reciprocate. The next time someone asks you for advice or sees someone in need, ask how you can help.
# 5. They follow a daily schedule
Most people who have found happiness in their lives follow a routine that supports their physical and mental well-being. Getting up early and meditating can be part of this routine.

She is one of the most famous models in the USA, with advertising campaigns of thousands of dollars, she has starred in top video clips and now it seems she is ready to do her family trial with her 65-year-old billionaire husband.
Xenia Deli, 31, who became famous from her brief relationship with Justin Bieber, married the rich 65-year-old Egyptian Fati Rabah Al-Sharif, in Santorini in 2016.
The two met a few months before their wedding and their love was thunderous. They immediately realized that they wanted to live their lives together and the marriage proposal did not take long to come.
The two of them also had a child, which Xenia often uploads to her personal Instagram account.
A 31 year old woman with a 65 year old man? Brings back Anna Nicole Smith memories. I'm totally against these kind of relationships. What are your thoughts?

Attitude… is exactly what you hear. The man sits on a ladder and spreads his legs. Then the woman comes and sits in between…
See here
In fact, you can use the ladder support to give more impetus.
In this position literally νετε let the stairs do half the work.
Double your pleasure during this position by holding the stairs with one hand and caressing your partner's clitoris with the other hand.
This attitude promises you… to send you to paradise!

Of course, it has not yet come into our lives, however, as everything shows this day is very close.
According to an Oxford academic, the pills that evoke feelings of love in the brain are "on the horizon".
According to the Huffington Post, Dr. Anna Mahin, an evolutionary anthropologist and author of Why We Love, said scientists now know enough about neurochemistry to create pills that could trick the body (into finding it) into a love-induced state.
These pills could possibly "enhance our ability to find love - or increase our chances of falling in love when (this) is a little difficult."
"Many ethical questions arise; but love pills are definitely on the horizon," he told the Cheltenham Science Festival.
How will these pills be used?
Dr. Mahin believes such pills could be prescribed by professionals who provide treatment to couples over a period of three to five years. But the question arises: will people just give these pills to anyone (and everyone) who likes them?
It may sound futuristic, but studies have long shown a link between certain pills and emotional closeness.
Evidence shows that MDMA "enhances feelings of intimacy with others" - and has been used in the past to treat couples.

Prevention is your first line of defense
Make it as difficult as possible for your baby to harm the newborn. If you find that the infant is becoming aggressive, take immediate action and pay attention to the baby. In this way, you let your older child understand that the sting or shake will not give you the attention he is looking for.
See also: Diet tricks to lose extra pounds effortlessly
Once your baby is calm, talk to your older child. Encourage him to talk about how he is feeling and help him express his feelings with the words, "Sometimes crying babies irritate us." But make it clear that hitting a baby because of these feelings is not acceptable: "It is bad to hit a baby." It may help you to give your toddler some time to calm down.
Try not to leave your toddler alone with the newborn, but do not tell him that it is because you do not trust him. Even if your older child is generally affectionate, keep sharp objects out of reach. Never leave your toddler in charge of the stroller, as you may suddenly find it slipping downhill!
When jealousy makes the infant behave like a baby
Sometimes aggression is not the problem. Instead, your older child may experience jealousy by behaving like the baby he or she thinks "replaced." You may notice your older child:
Ask for a bottle of water, even though he already has one in front of him
Refuse to walk while before the baby enjoyed walking next to you
Refuse to use his potty
Trying to sit in the baby's seat
Mocking, shouting or messing around while breastfeeding
Try to think about how your older child is feeling. He loses his position as the only little candidate for your attention and, from his point of view, your love. So he needs a lot of confirmation and attention to feel safe.
What else can I do to deal with my older child's jealousy of the baby?

You or your partner don't trust each other.
You both or one of you hide your plans and daily activities from each other.
You don't respect and value each other's opinions.
You keep arguing with your partner all the time, even over little and ordinary things.
There is a lot of verbal, mental, and emotional abuse, and in severe cases physical abuse too.
You or your partner don't put in any effort to make things right and make each other feel good.

- Always respect your spouse.
- Listen to your spouse carefully.
- Spend quality time together.
- Never yell at your spouse.
- Express love and care.
- Have a clear and honest communication about your expectations in the relationship but don't have too high expectations.

- Identify things which disturb your relationship with your mother. Try to work on those things/behaviors if they really need to be corrected.
- Identify what you want.
- Don't pressure yourself.
- Let her be herself and don't try hard to change her.
- Reach out to a therapist if needed.
- Spend quality time together.

Here are some signs of a narcissistic relationship.
- In a narcissistic relationship, the person feels he or she is better than the other person.
- A narcissist wants to be prioritized in the relationship all the time.
- In such a relationship, the narcissist acts like a victim even when he or she is wrong.
- Such a person lacks empathy towards his or her partner. He/she only cares about his/her needs and feelings.
- They become aggressive when you point out negative behavior.
- They are always dominant in the relationship.

Here are some tips to heal from a toxic relationship.
- Try not to contact your old partner out of emotional attachment or in the hope that things might get better.
- Don't expect an apology from your ex because it will keep you stuck in the same old toxic cycle and unhealthy relationship.
- Stop thinking about your ex or the things they used to do. Don't remember.
- Keep yourself busy in a healthy and constructive way.
- Work hard to achieve your life goals, learn new skills, earn money and share knowledge with others.
- Go to the gym. Good for your mental and physical health.
- Love and take care of yourself.
- Surround yourself with good friends who have a great purpose in life.

So, stop wasting your time and energies in the hope that he will commit to you. Know your worth and start considering other better options if you really want a happy lifetime committed relationship.

- You both trust each other.
- You support each other in difficult times as well as in achieving goals.
- You are sincere and loyal to each other.
- You are natural and comfortable in each other's presence.
- You communicate honestly with each other.
- You enjoy your time together.
- You respect each other.
- You show affection towards each other.

- Don't be so mentally occupied with the workplace issues that you bring home which could result in ruining your relationship with your partner.
- Talk to your partner about finance and try to resolve the issues with mutual understanding.
- Set boundaries with your partner regarding the details of your work life, like who you are working with what kind of work this is, etc because it's possible that your partner may not understand it. But make sure, that what you do is ethically right.

It could be the parents, it could be another relative, maybe a friend or even a partner. The toxic identity has no face. Anyone can be toxic and therefore it is possible to have a toxic relationship with a person who is very close to you or is a "significant other" in your life.
For example, if you have a toxic friend, it is difficult to manage or isolate them, but it is much more difficult when you have a toxic parent or spouse.
Toxic people are extremely dangerous to the mental health of others, as they oppress him psychologically and emotionally and cause him intense stress at the altar of his upcoming reaction.
Their incessant criticism, their lack of acceptance, their harsh demands, their intense preoccupation with what ONLY they want and need, are among their most basic characteristics that hammer the psycho-emotional health of the people around them.
In a way, they are the people who think that only they have rights and can dominate others by turning them into puppets.
Toxic people abuse through a multitude of means of psychological abuse, such as verbal abuse/criticism – insults – derogatory comments, isolating the victim, threats, intimidation, financial abuse/control through money, etc.
The result is the psychological poisoning of the person who surrounds him. Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Sadness, Oppression are among the most basic emotions that nest and are suppressed in a person poisoned by the narcissism of a toxic person.
Stay away from toxic people. I served my time with them and now I feel better!

They seem to make friends wherever they go and somehow, it always happens effortlessly. If you're wondering why some people are naturally more social than others, it might be because of their birthday. In particular there are three signs that are the most social signs of all.
The most social signs
When we talk about the most social signs, it's no surprise to see Gemini earn a spot on the list. In fact, Gemini is perhaps the most social sign of all, being an air sign, mutable and ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Gemini will always be the first to make new friends and win the social game. They show a genuine interest in meeting people, adapt very easily and are basically the social chameleons of the zodiac. Their excellent sense of humor and communication talents make them the soul of any company. They also have an amazing ability to start conversations with anyone.
The air sign, Gemini's soul mate, Libra, is considered the social butterfly of the zodiac. Libras enjoy being surrounded by friends and are excellent communicators with a sophisticated social style. As the sign that rules the house of partnerships, Libras tend to be their best selves when they are with others. They actually can't stand being alone. They want to spend time with people who are like them and can quickly socialize with people who are compatible. And they will do anything to find them.
The fun-loving and fiery Sagittarius is the kind of sign who can travel alone to a foreign country and leave with 20 new best friends. Sagittarians are bold, energetic and love adventure. As a result, they always have a story to tell at a table, at a party, and basically anywhere. They naturally have a great sense of humor and tend to bring a lot of positive energy to his group of friends. They are also great counselors and good listeners, which makes them even more adorable.

So of the 50 cities examined, Tokyo tops the list, with Bangkok and Budapest rounding out the top three. Athens is ranked 22nd in Europe and 37th worldwide.
The top ten are completed in order by Prague, Seoul, New Delhi, Lisbon, Sofia, Warsaw and Kuala Lumpur. In Istanbul the cost of an appointment is €36.62. In Bratislava, respectively, an appointment will cost €69.58, in Berlin €87.68, in Riga €72.89, in Amsterdam €115.08 and in Paris €96.71.
The best cities to telecommute and the lowest rents if you're single
When it comes to working from home abroad, fast internet speed is essential for optimal productivity. For those who make technology a key component of their work, Copenhagen in Denmark has the fastest speed at 123.96 Mbps, followed by Zurich and Stockholm. Finally, if you want to live somewhere where the rent is affordable, Sofia, Bulgaria fits that description perfectly, with an average monthly rent of just $310.
The 10 best countries for single women
According to another study by Compare the market Australia, Iceland is declared the best country for single women. As one of the safest countries on the list, Iceland has a safety index of 76.59 out of 100. The average cost of an apartment in Iceland is one of the highest on the list, at $1,642. However, the earning potential is just as high, with the average salary in Iceland standing at $84,636 per year.

But have you ever considered turning to science to get over a breakup? Yes, you can hug a kilo of ice cream and cry in front of the TV or dance non-stop at clubs and parties - all are acceptable - but with the following ways that scientists recommend, you might get through it a little faster.
Let the sadness take over
If you pretend that nothing happened and everything is fine, then you will definitely not get over the situation quickly. Clinical psychologist Antonio Pascual-Leone suggests focusing on unpleasant emotions, rather than avoiding them. Experience has shown him that several steps must be taken to overcome a breakup, but this is the first. "You have to go through the storm to understand exactly what you feel, and if you experience sadness, anger, pain now at the beginning they will not erupt later as suppressed nerves and anger," says the expert.
There is a reason the relationship ended
Usually, when a relationship ends and we're still trying to get over it, we tend to put aside the bad things that happened and only remember the positives. Idealizing a relationship that had serious reasons for ending doesn't help either our psychology or the effort to move on. “Your mind will try to tell you everything was perfect, but you know that's not true. If you want to get over a relationship you should remember this well," says the expert.
Stop looking for answers
Even when we know the reason for a breakup, we tend to make up stories in our heads, stories about other causes or different behavior that might have saved the situation. According to the psychologist, no explanation will ever be enough. “You're looking for answers because you're trying to hang on to the relationship habit, not because any other reason would help you get over it. Put the situation behind you and accept that it's over, for your own good."
Find what you're looking for in a relationship
At the moment when your emotions are overwhelming you try to discover what exactly you want from a relationship anymore. Obviously, the one that ended didn't cover you. What did you hope it would offer you and what do you want the next one to have? Even if you didn't end it yourself, it happened for a good reason. Take advantage of the time until the next one to think about how you can provide yourself with what you are looking for, but also to clarify what are the limits you will set from now on in your relationships.
Discover yourself
Along with what you want a relationship to offer you, take advantage of this time to discover what you like as well. Usually, with the separation we also lose a part of ourselves, what we were in the relationship. So how does this stage become easier? Trying new things, new experiences. You are the one who will value yourself again.

As we all know, in a long-term relationship, passion tends to wane over time—especially when you add things like jobs, kids, and financial struggles into the equation. If you are no longer having sex with your partner as much as you used to, this is completely normal. If you want that to change, maybe Vanessa Marin's nighttime rule shared via Tik Tok can help.
“Here's what happens in long-term relationships: when you start dating someone you can't keep your hands off each other. You hug and kiss all the time, while the sex is full of passion and tension, right?” the sex therapist is heard saying.
“But the pattern for most people changes when their relationship becomes long-term. They stop touching each other so much, and eventually it gets to the point where the only time they kiss is when they're trying to have sex."
Her words find many of her followers - and not only - in agreement, since it is possible that every long-term relationship has passed this stage. However, this becomes a problem when it causes tension and friction in the relationship.
“What many people experience (especially if they do not have strong sex drives) is that they gradually withdraw and do not seek contact with their partner at all. They end up avoiding any kind of touch," says the psychotherapist and explains that this can lead to excessive reactions. Partners tend to become very distant and react strongly to every touch.
The evening kissing sessions
She and her husband devised a simple way to combat this stage in their relationship. The evening kissing sessions. Essentially, the couple steals some time every night to touch each other, kiss, get closer without necessarily ending in sex.
“We wanted to have many experiences sexually. However, every time we started we didn't always manage to make contact. So we established a rule: every night we must find time to have a certain "language contact". Let's kiss, even for a while. Even if we are tired. This process relaxes us and has taken away all the pressure we felt about sex," said the sex therapist in the video, which has over 2,260 comments.
Most of them confirmed what the sex therapist said and declared positive in the test of the rule that she also applies.
“I felt exactly what you said. I thought maybe it was because I'd met so many women," one follower wrote, with another noting: "Yeah. Five years in a relationship and everything you say is true. I will definitely try it with my partner."

Libras are about to experience two months that are truly unforgettable. For them, spring is pink in color and therefore they are one of the luckiest signs when it comes to love. They will have the opportunity to organize their thoughts and plans and will be able to start a new chapter, which will make them feel complete and calm. They experience sensuality, passion and welcome the new with open arms. They manage to improve their lives while remaining grounded and consistent in their relationships and goals.
Spring will be full of romance and beauty for you. It seems that the stars are conspiring to offer you surprises that fill your heart with joy. It may have taken you longer, but now it is considered that you have found love. In fact, the intensity of love will be such that it will lead you to incredible behaviors. Working on yourself advocates positive developments and leads to you becoming the best version of yourself. This is one that no one can resist.
Those born under the star are considered lucky as their wishes begin to come true and something beautiful begins for them. The positive influence is not only in their love life, but generally every area of their life. Pisces will be especially lucky in the coming months, as they are likely to meet a person who will change their life.

Aries & Libra: The contact between them is like lighting a match: A love flame immediately jumps out that can warm them or burn them. If, however, they are both willing to respect each other's differences and learn from them, they will become separate.
Taurus & Scorpio: Taurus is fascinated by beautiful things, whether it's a brunch with amazing food styling or an idyllic sunset. The restless Scorpio looks for what lies beneath the surface. It is this contrast that inspires both to evolve through a relationship. And not only that: The contagious joy of life that Taurus exudes motivates Scorpio to come out, even for a while, from the darkness and dive into the light.
Gemini & Sagittarius: Their compatibility lies, among other things, in their shared need for healthy boundaries in a relationship. While Sagittarius seeks new adventures, traveling and exploring the world around them, Gemini satisfies their desire for human connection. Through this relationship, where one respects the other's personal time and space, both can thrive.
Cancer & Capricorn: How can emotional Cancer match up with Capricorn, who puts logic above all else? And yet this is exactly what gives their relationship balance, as logic and sensitivity find the golden ratio and one learns a lot from the other. Cancer feels more secure, while Capricorn is inspired by its partner's bold openness to the world of emotions.
Leo & Aquarius: If Leo feels lonely in his kingdom, he has no choice but to go out into the outside world and let himself be noticed by Aquarius, who will admire the fearless nature and unshakable self-esteem of the king of animals. Leo, in turn, next to Aquarius will discover a wealth of experiences that lie beyond the borders of his microcosm.
Virgo & Pisces: Do you know Belinda Carlisle's hit 'Heaven is a Place on Earth'? It's like it was written for this pair, an unbeaten duo, where one is constantly motivated and inspired by the other's strengths. For example, Pisces learns from Virgo's ability to understand the inseparable connection of body and spirit, while Virgo never ceases to admire their partner's empathy.

Aries & Libra: The contact between them is like lighting a match: A love flame immediately jumps out that can warm them or burn them. If, however, they are both willing to respect each other's differences and learn from them, they will become separate.
Taurus & Scorpio: Taurus is fascinated by beautiful things, whether it's a brunch with amazing food styling or an idyllic sunset. The restless Scorpio looks for what lies beneath the surface. It is this contrast that inspires both to evolve through a relationship. And not only that: The contagious joy of life that Taurus exudes motivates Scorpio to come out, even for a while, from the darkness and dive into the light.
Gemini & Sagittarius: Their compatibility lies, among other things, in their shared need for healthy boundaries in a relationship. While Sagittarius seeks new adventures, traveling and exploring the world around them, Gemini satisfies their desire for human connection. Through this relationship, where one respects the other's personal time and space, both can thrive.
Cancer & Capricorn: How can emotional Cancer match up with Capricorn, who puts logic above all else? And yet this is exactly what gives their relationship balance, as logic and sensitivity find the golden ratio and one learns a lot from the other. Cancer feels more secure, while Capricorn is inspired by its partner's bold openness to the world of emotions.
Leo & Aquarius: If Leo feels lonely in his kingdom, he has no choice but to go out into the outside world and let himself be noticed by Aquarius, who will admire the fearless nature and unshakable self-esteem of the king of animals. Leo, in turn, next to Aquarius will discover a wealth of experiences that lie beyond the borders of his microcosm.
Virgo & Pisces: Do you know Belinda Carlisle's hit 'Heaven is a Place on Earth'? It's like it was written for this pair, an unbeaten duo, where one is constantly motivated and inspired by the other's strengths. For example, Pisces learns from Virgo's ability to understand the inseparable connection of body and spirit, while Virgo never ceases to admire their partner's empathy.

Many couples have open arrangements and understandings, and some even try to enhance and enrich their sex lives by actively adding partners to both members of the couple, otherwise known as partner swapping or swinging.
In fact, this choice becomes even easier when monotony has made its presence felt in the couple's sexual life.
So this moment has arrived. You have decided to propose to your partner that you go on a partner exchange.
How will you do it without breaking up? Do not worry. We are here again for you.
Follow the steps below to maximize your chances of… winning!
Step one: Be prepared for all scenarios
Seriously. You don't ask if you're going to eat pizza or souvlaki. You are asking something that takes time and… courage.
It's a question you ask to… get an answer to, so once you ask it you should be prepared for upheaval.
Step Two: Prepare the ground
And suddenly, where you have NEVER discussed anything related, you throw the following phrase at your partner: "do you want to swap partners?"
"No" will probably be the softest thing you'll hear...
You have to do it in stages. Start discussing the presence of other people during your intercourse and see how he responds to this possibility.
If he says "no" to this idea alone, then there is probably no reason to proceed. If he still seems willing, go slow and steady.
Step Three: Put your partner in the spotlight
Okay, we know. What you really want is to get permission to be able - even for once - to change romantic partners, so for the change.
After all, if you eat your favorite food every day you will get bored of it... However, how you present it is VERY important.
Explain to him how it would make you very uncomfortable to see him with another partner in bed, and then ask him if he would be comfortable with such a scenario.
If the answer to the above question is yes then all that's left is to… drop the bomb: "we can do it!"
Step Four: Don't be jealous!
Yes, you read that right. It may be that the thought of your partner with another love partner in the thought makes you happy, but from fantasy to reality, a lot changes.
What do we want to say? Quite simply, if you think that touching your partner has even the slightest chance of making you jealous, then it's best not to try it.
All you'll do is ruin the moment for everyone and come across as the…indecisive one who asks for it at first and then backs off.
The same is true if you think your partner will get jealous at the sight of someone else touching you. You better protect him…

Be yourself.
Staying true to who you are is one of the key factors in having a little first date system and an honest relationship. If there's one thing you want to avoid when it comes to dating, it's the person you're interested in falling in love with the fake version of you. For a real relationship, just be yourself. If they are not interested in your real, by the end of the night, you then probably avoid the worst.
Banish stress and overthinking.
Don't overanalyze. Have zero expectations What's important is to just live in the moment and enjoy your date's company. Don't worry so much. Otherwise, you will almost end up suffering. Also, having zero expectations allows you to not feel disappointed if things don't turn out the way you planned.
Listen honestly.
Don't fiddle with your cell phone. In the age of technology we live in, we can tend to get distracted by social media and the notifications we receive. However, it doesn't hurt to turn on Do Not Disturb on your device for a few hours and focus on your date. There is a difference between listening to what others have to say and actually listening to the person across from you.
But also, you take risks.
Taking risks can be interpreted in different ways. If you're hesitant to ask someone out or come up with an out-of-the-ordinary date idea, just go for it. As the cliché goes, you'll never know until you try.
Every time the first date comes to an end, the same thought crosses the man's mind: "Should I pay, or will I offend her?" After all, we live in an age of equality. What if I don't even make a move and suggest we pay half – will I be taken for a shill?'
Let's take the things from the beginning. This is an old fashioned concept yes? Yes. Alright, let's move on.
This old-fashioned notion that the man should pay for our meal comes from a time when women were not allowed to work and therefore had no money of their own.
Fortunately, all of this above is a thing of the distant past, however breaking free from these notions has proven to be particularly difficult.
So it seems that many (men and women) still believe that it is necessary for a man to treat the woman he accompanies!
But is it so?
"A couple doesn't argue and fight, usually, the interest has been lost. Moreover, if anger towards your partner accumulates, it spreads to others - to your neighbors, to your friends, and (much worse) to your children. The couple seems calm and very loving, but they raise a child aggressive towards others, without a social life or with behavioral problems All the difficulties that are never expressed between the couple "come out" in the children.
Have sex (or not, but note that you never stopped)
"There are many couples who do not have sex. This is a reality. But if you are 25, 30, 40, or even 50 years old and sex is non-existent, the end of the relationship may be inevitable. If your sex life has fallen into the bog, don't assume it'll come back to life on its own, or don't expect effort from the other person alone. Identify the problem and get help early."
Divorce threats aren't the best
"I think this is easy to understand. Such threats undermine the safety of the relationship, as well as the way you resolve your differences. If you invoke them, you show a lack of respect for your choice and you will hardly be able to find a solution to your problem - if that's what you want."
Put the "labels" aside
"Calling someone lazy, excessive, or whatever isn't very helpful. Talk to your partner and try to use the phrase 'I feel' more instead of 'you're like this or like that.' You'll get more done in your relationship."
Show patience and bravery
"Many times couples come to relationship counselors thinking that everything is over in their life together. How this was the final blow to their marriage. As scary as it is, this step is positive. It means you still want to fight for your relationship – and you will, whatever the outcome of the treatment.”
Her most important piece of advice? Children will change your balance and relationship in a way that you can neither foresee nor predict.

Almost two weeks after the release of Margot Robbie's highly anticipated film, which touches on a range of feminist and existential concerns, social media has been flooded with stories from young women who say they deeply re-examined their relationships because of the film.
"Am I a man…who broke up with my boyfriend over the movie Barbie?" asked a woman on a popular platform where members share various reflections on their interpersonal relationships.
On TikTok, another woman said the video made her realize her partner was being disrespectful and broke up with him.
"Thank you doll".
These are just a few of the splits the movie brought to Mattel's popular doll.
A 27-year-old who is also divorced, after watching the film with her boyfriend, tweeted that his reactions in the room, while Margot Robbie unfolded her 'basket' of reflection as a modern woman, made her realize she needed to break up .
"Barbie helped me..."
Speaking to HuffPost, the woman said: “He's a good kid, but they had issues long before they saw the movie. Their experiences are quite different and the movie 'babi' highlighted how differently they see the world."
"I was so invested in the movie that I really didn't even recognize how he was taking it, until he asked me a couple of times during the movie, 'Are you crying?' After the movie, we became close but friendly, to acknowledge that we're just not on the same page. We could argue until the end of the year about which gender has the hardest time in life," said the 27-year-old and added:
"Barbie helped me 'graduate' from a cycle of extreme exhaustion from people I didn't resonate with."