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Scheduled to commence soon... everyone wonders what will happen. Will information about the Dominion voting machines be presented?

More broadly than ever, as we see post-pandemic days approach, capitalism succeeds because it relies on motivation and money is their basic structure - since money is the means of accessing basic resources. Not to mention here the famous "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch" quote by Milton Friedman.
How money is created and where, therefore, is what determines the outcome - since if they are created at the top of the pyramid of wealth and power, while also being distributed at the same top as it is, the result is a destabilizing asymmetry in the distribution of money, so resources.
In terms of how people are rewarded with money determines the outcome - wherein the current system of mature neoliberalism, people are rewarded for creating monopolies, wasting resources, and destroying the planet, as long their profits are maximized. This is how these models and these new heroes prevail - such as Gates, Musk, Zuckerberg, and others. People who extend the power of authoritarian states on the other side of the globe, such as Putin, are also rewarded.
Therefore, with these incentives, the specific rewards, and the prevailing money-making process, the only possible outcome is a doomed, dysfunctional order - a status quo like the one today, reminiscent of Orwell's "1984", at the same time as Huxley's "wonderful new world".
As for neoliberalism, which was predicted to end because of the pandemic, it will continue to reign, regardless of the crises it causes - as long as it is tolerated by the majority of people, either because of fears or because of ignorance, in combination with their servitude, or because they have learned to fight for justice and their beliefs.
I don't mean to sound like Michael Moore, (although I respect his work) as you are reading this. Just a few of my thoughts after a quiet weekend. Excuse my long post. My brother always kept telling me: "If you want to expand your personal philosophies, write another book".
Milton Friedman - Econlib

Milton Friedman was the twentieth century’s most prominent advocate of free markets. Born in 1912 to Jewish immigrants in New York City, he attended Rutgers University, where he earned his B.A. at the age of twenty. He went on to earn his M.A. from the University of Chicago in 1933 and his Ph.D. from […]

I have always been somewhat of a centerist but because of my Christian beliefs, I have always leaned right on social issues. I have watched the republican party do next to nothing my entire life. They say they are for the people but alls they have been doing the last 15 years is try to stop the left from going further left and they have failed. I feel like these people either need to do something about the mess in this country and actually be FOR THE PEOPLE, or get out of government power!

Someone will reassure Biden he is the most popular president ever. ????????????????????????

Here's my conspiracy theory about covid-19, so take it with a grain of salt.
Let's begin with the facts. Fact is, the life expectancy of the average citizen of the world has extended by 3 years per decade. Watching this will help you get the idea, I guess!
This means that for various reasons, better health conditions, infrastructures, better foods, medicine, information, people live longer. This also means that people who are pensioners for the last decades have managed to outlive their expected pension out of their taxes. This eventually means that nobody expected that people will live for that long time and we or anyone that works will have to keep supporting this pension system circle.
On the other hand, better health means less, way less money for the health industry, pharmaceuticals companies, and generally "health-oriented business".
So, what happens if fewer and fewer people start to die to an unexpected life expectancy limit? Combine this with the global economic crisis and the trend of families staying together for a longer time. The real estate sector has a problem, life insurance companies need to adjust to changes but most of all pharmaceutical companies will see a major loss in revenues.
Those last companies, that plenty of people thank today for developing in record time a vaccine against covid-19, created a problem or their lobbyists created a problem and suddenly they appeared as saviors to this problem. Is it a coincidence that after 10 days that the next president of the US was elected the vaccine was introduced? I bet it wasn't. I bet it was all well-planned, calculated, timely placed.
The old deeply-Machiavellian theory as written in "Power" by R. Green, "Create a problem and offer the solution" serves as a perfect example of what happened.
I even believe that the location of the virus outbreak was very convenient for geopolitical reasons, not just stabilization purposes. The region of china was a perfect candidate for this plan.

The English-speaking media mogul sent a message to Trump that he is politically finished if he continues to walk in the same (irrational) way. He told the conservative party that he must actively participate in the political and social development of the USA!
An important intervention by the English-speaking media mogul Rupert Murdoch aimed at the developments in the Republican camp: it was accompanied by criticism of Donald Trump's actions, of course, while it was done in a way that suggests that the former US president is no longer going to nor a friendly comment about his face in the publications and channels of the major publisher.
Officially, and especially during the Trump administration, the 90-year-old Australian businessman has emerged as an ally of, say, an eccentric American president. He certainly collected a lot from him, and now he harshly criticized him, aiming for favorable ears in the red party of the USA. Murdoch spoke to shareholders in his company, News Corp., in which he has compiled all his publications, American, British and Australian. This group of newspapers also includes the headlines of the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.
Notice the following: This is not the first time Murdoch has criticized Trump. In 2015, he described his candidacy for the White House as shameful, before realizing that he might be elected president. So he made a cunning move and backed up his campaign by turning a television station he owned, Fox, into an accelerator of the New York businessman on his way to the White House. Do you remember this?
However, their relationship was not in vain. Even during the Trump presidency, tensions between them were not lacking: the baby-ambitious, flattering and unfriendly president considered the support offered to him very lukewarm, as well as himself a Fox superstar, as he believed that thanks to his abilities the channel δεν Trump did not hesitate to accuse Fox of "ingratitude to the hen that lays the golden eggs."
Then Murdoch got angry and, as Michael Wolf writes in the book "Fire and Fury" which reveals the background of the Trump presidency, the publisher, once, in 2018, did not hold his nerves and spoke in market language about who the man is: called him "stupid idiot"…
The old businessman is very smart and does not ignore Trump's stubbornness. He does not harbor illusions that the man who indifferently watched the mob invade the Capitol can change his mind. He does not expect to change course. But he told him that his publications and channels would not follow him in the adventure of putting pressure on democratic institutions to their limits. He also told the Conservative Party that there is no future with Trump at the helm.
After all, Trump never took into account the persuasions of the Murdoch ballots to stop questioning the election result and the whole electoral process and to recognize the victory of Joe Biden. But Trump, and because of his temperament, is unable to admit his defeat. Thus, another field of glory opens up for the ignorant former president: to point the finger and Murdoch as one of the culprits of his defeat.

Please read:
Tragedy: 2-year-old shot his 26-year-old father in the back in front of the whole family
Another shocking incident occurred in the US, where a 2-year-old boy shot his father in the back and killed him with the gun he found in their home in Florida.
Specifically, the little boy shot his father in the back with a gun that was in the room where the little one was unattended, local authorities in Florida, USA, announced on Monday.
USA: The authorities' first assessment of the incident and the testimony of the child
When authorities arrived at the scene they found the mother, Maria Ayala, doing CPR on the heart of the father, Reggie Mubry, who was seriously injured by a bullet. The man succumbed to his injuries when he was taken to hospital. Let's mention that at first the Police thought that someone broke into the house and killed the father, but the eldest of the couple's three children revealed to the investigators that the fatal bullet was fired by his little 2-year-old brother.
The gun was in a bag that Reggie Mubry had left on the floor and the child, after finding it, began to look into it and shot his father in the back while he was playing on a computer.
Maybe it's time to regulate gun availability? Your thoughts?

Recently we have heard about the Biden Administration taking a firm stance regarding Russian Oligarchs. They are seizing assets and of these Russians. They are trying to save the world from these mean an evil people who are ruining our freedom. They are looking to stop the efforts of these Oligarchs, the few, to control the actions and policies of the government at the detriment of the many. We can all agree these people are hurting the world and it is unjust.
But what about the American Oligarchs???? Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, etc.. They are filtering what we can see and hear, while promoting a culture through funding and censorship that is ruining our country. You have to ask, why don't these American Oligarchs get their assets seized?