North Macedonia Politics
This page explores North Macedonia’s political structure incorporating real-time RSS feed news and videos. By harnessing the power of RSS feeds, visitors can stay informed about the latest developments in North Macedonia’s politics as they happen. The dynamic nature of these feeds ensures that users receive up-to-the-minute updates on political events, policy changes, and significant milestones, enabling them to stay abreast of the ever-evolving political scene.

Dimitar Kovachevski
10th Prime Minister of North Macedonia
Assumed office
17 January 2022
Image credit
North Macedonia operates as a parliamentary democracy. The President of North Macedonia is the head of state and is elected by popular vote for a five-year term, with a limit of two terms. The President’s role is largely ceremonial, while executive powers are vested in the Prime Minister, who is the head of government. The Prime Minister leads the Cabinet, which is responsible for implementing government policies. The unicameral Assembly of North Macedonia is the country’s legislative body, with members elected by proportional representation.
North Macedonia has a multi-party system, and coalition governments are common due to the proportional representation electoral system. The judiciary is independent, and the Judicial Council oversees the appointment and functioning of judges. Local governance is organized into municipalities, each with its mayor and council elected by the local residents. The country has made efforts to strengthen its democratic institutions since gaining independence, including adopting constitutional amendments and pursuing Euro-Atlantic integration. Despite challenges related to inter-ethnic relations and economic development, North Macedonia’s political structure reflects a commitment to democratic governance and regional stability.
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