Palau Politics
Curious about politics in Palau? This page may shed some light.

Surangel S. Whipps Jr.
10th President of Palau
Assumed office
21 January 2021
Image credit
Palau, officially known as the Republic of Palau, is a presidential democratic republic located in the western Pacific Ocean. Palau gained its independence from the United States in 1994 and adopted a constitution that outlines its political structure.
At the top of the political structure is the President, who serves as both the head of state and the head of government. The President is elected by the people for a four-year term and can serve up to two consecutive terms. The President appoints members of the cabinet, who are responsible for overseeing various government departments and implementing policies.
The legislative branch of Palau is the National Congress, which consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Delegates. The Senate has nine members, with each of the 16 states in Palau electing two senators, while the President appoints the ninth senator. The House of Delegates has 16 members, with each state electing one delegate. The National Congress is responsible for enacting laws, approving the budget, and overseeing the executive branch.
Palau also has a judiciary branch, which is independent of the executive and legislative branches. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in the country, with its judges appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The judicial system ensures the interpretation and application of laws in accordance with the constitution.
Palau is a non-partisan nation, meaning political parties do not play a significant role in the political structure. Instead, candidates run as individuals, and voters elect leaders based on their qualifications and personal merits rather than party affiliations. This unique characteristic promotes a more consensus-based approach to governance.
Overall, Palau’s political structure is characterized by a presidential democratic republic with a separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The country emphasizes transparency, accountability, and public participation in decision-making processes, reflecting its commitment to democratic principles.
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