San Marino Politics
This page explores San Marino’s political structure incorporating real-time RSS feed news and videos. By harnessing the power of RSS feeds, visitors can stay informed about the latest developments in San Marino’s politics as they happen. The dynamic nature of these feeds ensures that users receive up-to-the-minute updates on political events, policy changes, and significant milestones, enabling them to stay abreast of the ever-evolving political scene.

Francesco Mussoni
Captain Regent of San Marino
Assumed office
1 October 2021
Image credit
San Marino, officially known as the Republic of San Marino, is a small landlocked country located in Southern Europe. It operates as a parliamentary republic. The political structure of San Marino is defined by its constitution, which was adopted in 1600 and is considered one of the oldest constitutions in the world.
At the top of the political structure is the Captains Regent, who serve as the heads of state and government. The Captains Regent are elected by the Grand and General Council, the country’s legislative body. They serve a six-month term and can be re-elected for a maximum of three terms consecutively.
The legislative branch of San Marino is a unicameral institution called the Grand and General Council. It consists of 60 members known as Captains Regent, who are elected by popular vote every five years. The Grand and General Council is responsible for making laws, approving the national budget, and providing oversight of the executive branch.
San Marino does not have a separate executive branch. Instead, the executive functions are carried out by the Captains Regent in collaboration with the Secretaries of State. There are several Secretaries of State, each responsible for specific areas such as foreign affairs, internal affairs, finance, and education.
San Marino has an independent judiciary, which is responsible for interpreting and applying laws, ensuring justice, and protecting the rights of individuals. The highest judicial authority in the country is the Council of Twelve, which is composed of twelve judges elected by the Grand and General Council.
Political parties in San Marino play a significant role in the political landscape. Several political parties participate in elections and shape the political discourse. However, due to the country’s small size and consensus-based decision-making, political parties tend to have a cooperative approach rather than significant partisan divides. San Marino has a history of political stability and democratic governance. The country is known for its strong emphasis on the preservation of its unique cultural heritage, as well as its focus on tourism and financial services. Overall, the political structure of San Marino is characterized by a parliamentary republic with a separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The country holds regular elections, allowing citizens to participate in the democratic process and choose their representatives at various levels of government.
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