Togo Politics
This page explores Togo’s political structure incorporating real-time RSS feed news and videos. By harnessing the power of RSS feeds, visitors can stay informed about the latest developments in Togo’s politics as they happen. The dynamic nature of these feeds ensures that users receive up-to-the-minute updates on political events, policy changes, and significant milestones, enabling them to stay abreast of the ever-evolving political scene.

Faure Gnassingbé
4th President of Togo
Assumed office
4 May 2005
Image credit
The president is elected by universal and direct suffrage for 5 years. He is also the commander of the armed forces and has the right to initiate legislation and dissolve parliament. Executive power is exercised by the president and the government. The head of government is the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the president.
Togo’s transition to democracy is stalled. Its democratic institutions remain nascent and fragile. President Gnassingbé Eyadéma, who ruled Togo under a one-party system, died of a heart attack on 5 February 2005. Gravely ill, he was being transported by plane to a foreign country for care. He died in transit while over Tunisia. Under the Togolese Constitution, the President of the Parliament, Fambaré Ouattara Natchaba, should have become president of the country, pending a new presidential election to be called within sixty days. Natchaba was out of the country, returning on an Air France plane from Paris.
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