
Sustainability Efforts

Country: Turkmenistan

Explore sustainability efforts in Turkmenistan, eco-friendly practices to renewable energy projects, witness a greener future in action.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) said it well when they state:

Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.

About Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan, a Central Asian gem, offers a unique blend of ancient wonders and modern aspirations. With its striking landscapes, including the otherworldly Darvaza Gas Crater and the vast Karakum Desert, it captivates adventurous souls. The nation’s architectural marvels, such as the ornate Turkmenbashi Ruhy Mosque, showcase its cultural heritage. Turkmenistan’s people are warm and hospitable, and their traditions, like the lively Akhal-Teke horse shows, are a testament to their proud nomadic roots. The capital city, Ashgabat, dazzles with its opulent buildings and grandiose squares. While the country remains relatively undiscovered, Turkmenistan’s charm lies in its hidden treasures and the sense of discovery it offers to intrepid travelers.  Sustainability efforts in Turkmenistan will enhance the country’s future.

Sustainability Efforts

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Visiting Turkmenistan as an American Tourist!

Turkmenistan, the unusual country of Central Asia

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