Travel Influencers
On social media, there are so many “Travel Influencers” (a/k/a Social Media Influencers) we love to follow, it’s not easy to narrow the list down to just 10 selections. We hope you enjoy viewing their photos and reading their caption stories as much as we do. At times, we may feature the same influencers multiple times. Do you have a few favorites we should consider featuring? Contact us and let us know.

10 Delightful Selections
Marie and Jake (@marieandjakesnow): Their wedding photos moved us to tears! What an emotional and beautiful wedding! Showcase travel destinations including their gorgeous Bali hotel and social media academy.
Jay Alvarrez (@jayalvarrez): Skydiving or even surfing with his dog, Jay’s photos are captivating!
Leoni Hanne (@leoniehanne): Pure elegance and style, follow this beautiful influencer for engaging content.
Cathy and Miguel (@adventuresapiens): His marriage proposal had us emotionally teary with delight (it was that beautiful), inspiring you to follow as they chase their wanderlust dream.
Luana and Fred (@pilotluana): These 2 helicopter pilots made our top 10 list again! How could they not?! Known for luxurious travel around the world, their gallery just gets better and better.
Jorden Tually (@jordentually): From Pakistan to Japan to many other countries worldwide, this Australian travel creator delights the eyes with vibrant and fun content.
Jazzy & Ivan (@modelcouplemallorca): Features vibrant and colorful couple photography to exotic destination.
Bea & Steffen (@fitunderpalmtrees): Luxury hotels & brands content creators known for drop-dead gorgeous photos and engaging post stories.
The Bucket List Family (@thebucketlistfamily): Travels to 89 countries and millions of followers! Adorable family photos and storytelling.
Rodolfo Burgos (@ninja_on_the_mountains): Youtuber, American Ninja warrior, climber, Ironman, Ultra runner, adrenaline junkie, conquering Colorado’s 14ers! Shares his travels with Pike, his Siberian Husky, of outdoor adventures via videos.
Who Is A Social Media Influencer?
Social media influencers are typically digital creators with a large social media following. They regularly offer high-quality online content that educates, entertains, or encourages their audience, allowing them to engage with their fans. Full article here.
World Social Media Directory – Where the World Finds the Top in Social Media
Social media influencers are listed in just about every category worldwide. View directory.